MARKETING Are Voice-Over Clients Loyal To You? Winds Of Change Blow All The Time ![]() By Natasha Marchewka Voice Actor & Course CreatorLoyalty in voice-over. Loyalty in the gig economy. Loyalty in a virtual world. Does loyalty even exist anymore?
Well, I've always said that there is no loyalty in voice-over. Except when there is. But, mostly, there's not. I wonder, however, if I used the phone more to connect with clients, if there would be a little more loyalty or trust in
relationships. Would building relationships through the phone benefit me,
keeping me top of mind? The logical voice in me says yes, but the
experienced voice, says… probably not. RARELY TALK TO CLIENTS BY PHONE I can't tell you how many clients I've worked for, whom I've never
spoken with on the phone. Fourteen years in business this coming January,
and I've had clients for as long, whom I've never spoken to in "real
life." Whether this is a reflection of the fast pace of the broadcast world, or the
low place voice talent are on the totem pole, or the types of people
who hire me (quite often techy, and not the most social types), using the phone is simply not something I need to do often. It's ironic that my business mentor and closest personal friend has a entire business teaching people how to be effective phone communicators. Clearly, there is still a need for that skill. WOULD PHONE HAVE HELPED? Case in point.
I reached out to a client after not hearing from him for a few
months. Not hearing from a client in a few months is not uncommon.
However, when you are paid on a monthly retainer and they don't request
your services month after month… not so common. So, since I hadn't
received any scripts, but was still billing the client, I thought I'd
reach out to find out what was going on.
Turns out, my contact – the person who sends me scripts and whom I'd
worked with for a very long time – was told by his supervisor that they
wouldn't be using my services any more, they were going in a different
direction. Except, they didn't tell me. Through no fault of my contact –
he was told the supervisor would handle me – a company I'd worked for
monthly, for almost 14 years, just decided to end things. The thing is, if I'd picked up the phone and talked to someone, I don't know if the result would have been any different. Nearly 14 years is a
VERY long time to be with a client, and I am so grateful to have been on
their roster for so long. A DOOR CLOSES. A DOOR OPENS I suppose the moral of this story is to continue to do good work and
provide great customer service. Clients will come, and sometimes
go. That's the nature of the freelancer's business. The winds of change blow all the time. That is my mantra. I'm
always okay with the change that is inherent in my business because,
inevitably, it will change again. A door closes. A door opens. Always. What are your thoughts about this subject? Are
you building strong connections? Do they matter in your business? Does
the phone help you? ------------------------- ABOUT NATASHA Broadcast and non-broadcast, Natasha has recorded 10,000+ commercials and voice-over projects over the past 14 years, including Adventures by Disney, ZipRecruiter, and Electrolux. With a Bachelor's degree in Radio Television Arts, several years of singing jazz in New York City, and many, MANY jobs paying her dues, she started her voice-over business as an eager entrepreneur. She's also a prolific list maker, which has helped her move her business and family to three different countries. Her course offerings from Master VO To-Do List helps working voice talent get their business on track. Email: Voice-Over Web: Master VO To-Do List Web: ALSO ENJOY THESE VOICE-OVER MARKETING ARTICLES |