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Four Things To Know Before You
Approach A Voice Over Agent
January 9, 2017

By Rick Lance

Voice Actor

Let me begin with two clarifiers:
  • Not every voice over talent will require an agent. You may find, especially with the technology available today, that you are able to drum up business on your own. If this is the case, then you may choose to hold off on obtaining an agent, or may even choose to never work with one.
  • Not every voice over talent will appeal to VO agents. You may have to do a lot of work developing voice over skills in order to get an agent to work with you. After all, they want to take on talents who will appeal to casting directors.
With that said, here are steps you can take to ensure that you are seen by agents as a good candidate.

1. Take the Initiative

Agents won't find and call you.  That dream only comes true for the tiniest percent of people. You will have to seek out agents.  Do your homework to determine which of these are experienced and most apt to get you paying work.

2. Read the Instructions

Every agent is different and will want to be approached in a slightly different way from others. Thoroughly read submission instructions to present yourself in the right light. You don't want to be ruled out before the agent has pressed PLAY on your demo.

3. Avoid Urge to Reach Out on Social Media

Social media is a beautiful thing and can be a very powerful tool for voice over artists, but there is a time and place for social networking. You can certainly try to make a connection with VO agents online, but don't make your submission or a plea via social networking. In the vast majority of cases, it will be seen as unprofessional.

4. Highlight Your Experience and Training

If you are new to voice over but have experience on stage, or taken acting classes or are working with a voice over coach, be sure to highlight these things in your cover letter.
Rick Lance has been working as a voice talent since 1993, transitioning from singing demos and personal projects in Nashville's music business to voicing hundreds of commercials, then promos, narrations, character voices and more. His vocal style is described as Americana, the voice of the Heartland. He is currently the voice (narrator) of three hunting programs and one outdoor program on the Sportsman Channel and the Outdoor Channel. His client list includes Toyota, Harley Davidson, Sony Entertainment, Coca Cola, Life Care Centers of America, John Deere, Jordan Outdoor Enterprises and Sacred Seasons II. He has also become a leading voice for the industries of construction, manufacturing, energy production, trucking, agriculture/equine, outdoor sports, travel, community banking, finance and health care. And he is a colorful voice for film, television, museum and corporate documentaries. "I'm lucky to be working within my comfort zone," he says, "literally living out my voice acting life as an outdoorsman, horseman, weekend cowboy and working man, gentleman farmer on my six acre mini ranch with my horses, dogs, cats and my wife near Nashville."



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