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MO-JOE Friday Videos, Episode 12:
You're The Boss: Think Outside The Booth!

December 1, 2017

Joe Loesch - popular voice talent, director, producer and voice over coach - delivers MO-JOE Friday videos here on the first and third Fridays of every month. Come back for MO-JOE refills on all aspects of voice acting and succeeding in voice over.

VoiceOverXtra also presents Joe's popular Voice Over Booth Camp workshops to voice talents around the U.S. A day at VO Booth Camp is strategic voice over training - the ideal way to start or refresh a VO career. And stay tuned for online VO Booth Camps, coming soon!

For a direct link to future MO-JOE Friday videos, you can sign up here to receive email alerts to all new VoiceOverXtra news and how-to articles.

Also learn VO with a subscription to Voice Over Booth Camp videos here. While you're there, please LIKE us!

And for more about training personally with Joe Loesch, please visit


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Comments (1)
Larry Wayne
12/1/2017 at 12:45 PM
Excellent tips, Joe! Following these foundational tips should be the cornerstone of everyones' VO biz...regardless of level of experience. Only one I would add would be not to be discouraged. It's a competitive jungle out there. For every 12 auditions I may land 1 gig. But that 1 gig could be the one that leads to repetitive business from the same client.
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