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Recently Changed Gyms, Overhears A Web TV
Producer There - And The Next Step Is Easy ...
August 11, 2015

By Jerry Reed

Voice Actor

It's interesting, that phenomenon called fate.

I recently changed fitness centers. I wanted one that had a little more activity and more options. My first visit was just a few days ago. People there seemed real friendly. And it was a very welcoming change of environment for me.  

At the place I previously worked out I seldom saw anyone at the time of day I visited except for the person at the check-in desk or an occasional trainer or physical therapist. It was a nice facility. But after three years, it became obvious that I needed more social contact with people in my life - in addition to my physical workout.


So at the new place, after a robust workout, I overheard two of the members talking about each other's business.

One mentioned that he traveled around the state co-producing a Web TV show and that the company he co-owned is branching into commercial production.

I waited for an opening in the conversation and made it a point to drag out a business card. When the opportunity came, I introduced myself and told him that I could help if they needed a voice for one of their projects.

The conversation went something like this:

Me: "I couldn't help hear you talk about your production company. My business is my voice. If you need a voice for one of your projects, I can help you with that.”

I then handed him my card.

Producer: "The one day I didn't bring any cards I meet two people at the gym that could help my business.”

The two finish their conversation. Then the producer pulled out his iPhone, walked over to me and offered to show me videos of some of his work.

Producer: "My partners and I were just talking about voice over. We just started work on a project recently and will be producing commercials that will require us to hire a voice. Your timing is perfect.”


I finished packing up my duffel while the producer went to his car for a business card. When I was finished, he returned and we vowed to visit each other's website and to stay in touch.

Will we do business with each other?

Well it's too early to tell. But we've met each other face-to-face, and the next step is easy. It won't be a cold call, because we have already met. It doesn't get any better than that.

Fate is a great business partner.  
Jerry Reed has been a professional voice artist all of his adult life. His early days were spent in broadcasting and he now works from his home voice over studio located in upstate New York. In addition to voice overs, his diversions include amateur photography and baking artisan breads.


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Comments (4)
dc goode
8/12/2015 at 6:43 PM
"Face to Face" and kismet is money in the bank...A LOT OF IT.
John Florian
8/12/2015 at 7:35 AM
Hi 'J',
When I read Jerry's recent blog about how ready he is to speak up for new business wherever he is, I couldn't help but smile and share it with all VoiceOverXtra readers. Keep your biz card handy!
8/12/2015 at 1:55 AM
Okay...uh, good for you? Was this the entire article, or did i miss something?
Judy Fossum
8/11/2015 at 3:29 PM
What a great story, Jerry! It just goes to show that we always need to be open to opportunities as they can come about almost anywhere.
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