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Kate McClanaghan, Sound Advice: 'Agents
Will Use Platform Preferred By Producers'
August 17, 2017
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By Kate McClanaghan
CEO, Sound Advice

I've been percolating on the topic for a couple weeks now myself, ever since I received the unprecedented, rather precocious email Voices(dot)com sent to all their "coaches" announcing their $18M capital investment from Morgan Stanley. (Regardless of the fact they consistently thwarted every attempt to list our coaching and demo production services on their site. We gave up two years ago after they begrudgingly recorded a podcast with us.)

I took the email in the spirit it was sent, which was, "Gloat, gloat. Gloat, gloat, gloat, gloat."

The communication came thru loud and clear. I turned to Jeff and a couple of talent agents and colleagues, and deduced the obvious. They were planning to purchase the ailing Voicebank(dot)net, of course.

The discussion was already in full swing as to how low this single entity had successful manipulated industry talent rates to the sub basement - surpassed in its race to the bottom only by Fiverr and one short-sighted, irresponsible, inexperienced "coach."

It's high drama (and finance, apparently) when talent are hoodwinked into thinking there's more competition than work. The fact is, it's the other way around!

There's far more work than talent, and that doesn't appear to be easing up any time soon.

What's the problem, in part, is this inaccurate, insecure perception.

Question is: Where's the demand for quality over quantity? Perhaps that's in part what defines each of us individually a professionals, regardless of experience level.

Also, talent agents will use the platform preferred by producers, as long as they offer the best paying gigs. Oh, and that it's easy to use! That doesn't necessarily mean Voicebank ;)

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