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Is Your VoiceOver Website Attracting Clients?
Cue Up SEO Strategy: Keywords, Meta & More ...

By Gina Scarpa
Voice Actor & Coach

As voice actors, we wear many hats on a daily basis, but SEO Specialist isn't often high on people's priority list.

However, understanding SEO can improve your voice over business in many different ways.

The main benefit of incorporating SEO into your website is that it can bring in new clients who will give you auditions or book you for projects outright without the need to even audition at all.

Wouldn't we all like to see more opportunities coming directly into our inbox?

Let's take a little dive into the world of SEO as it relates to voice over.


SEO stands for search engine optimization, and its purpose is to increase visibility with inorganic search results.

Basically, when someone is searching for voice over-related things on Google, for instance, you want them to find YOU.

When you perform a search on Google or another search engine, there are two different types of results - paid and organic.
  • Paid means that a person or company spent money to have an ad placement right at the top of the search results page. Paid search results will have the word "Ad" displayed next to the URL (or website address).
  • Organic search results are unpaid search results and rankings that generate from your SEO efforts.This is what we are focused on.

With 8.5 BILLION searches per day on Google, it's inevitable that someone out there is looking for a voice for their project. But how will they find you? Through keywords on your website.

When writing content for your voiceover website, incorporate keywords that match what someone is searching for. Some examples include "female voiceover artist," "medical narration voiceover," or "eLearningnarrator."

The goal is to work them into your content in a conversational and informative way, helping the reader to make the decision to reach out to you.


Periodically, Google will crawl your website and look at all of your content, images, and videos.It will update your ranking accordingly based on relevance and authority.
  • Relevance relates to how well your content matches what a person is searching for online.
  • Authority looks at how many people are visiting your site, and how many other sites are linking back to you.
This is where link building can come in handy, but it's arguably the trickiest part of a strong SEO strategy. Link building is just another part of your marketing efforts, and it's important that when you're reaching out to other sites, you're choosing credible and high quality sites.


Here are a few tips to help improve your SEO efforts:

1. Chose Precise Keywords

Consider creating content for each voiceover genre you work in, i.e.commercial, corporate narration, political, ADR/dubbing, etc. On each page of content that you write, choose two or three keywords to focus on. If you use too many keywords, Google won't be exactly sure what you're trying to rank for, so narrow your focus.

When deciding which keywords to use, think about what someone might be searching for, and give them exactly that.

2. Meta Titles & Page Descriptions

Each page on your website should have what's called a meta title and description, which is the text that displays on search engine results pages. Utilize titles and descriptions for any photos on your site as well.

3. Link To Pages & Sites

Finally, add relevant links where appropriate, linking both internally around your site to other pages and externally to sites, especially those that may link back to you.


Now that you have a basic understanding of SEO and how it relates to voiceover, you're able to start taking small steps to help your voiceover business grow.

Incorporating SEO into your marketing strategy will increase your visibility online, boost your credibility, provide you with insights as to what people are looking for, and how they're finding you (if you also take advantage of analytics), improve the user experience on your website, and lead to long-term results.

SEO is not an overnight process, though, and it's constantly evolving. But if you invest some time and resources to understand and use it to your advantage, you will see positive
results over time.
Gina Scarpa is an accomplished professional voiceover artist and coach. She has decades of experience in radio broadcasting and voice acting, voicing national TV and radio commercials, video game characters, and corporate content for some of the biggest brands in the country. Her clients include VistaPrint, Burger King, Xfinity, L'Oreal, and Invesco. She is also is an award-winning teacher and director and was named the 2019 ACE Educator of the Year in Connecticut. And she is the founder, owner, and Creative Director of Positive Voices Studio, which provides coaching and educational programming for children, teens, and rising adult voice actors.

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Comments (2)
Gina Scarpa
2/3/2023 at 7:10 PM
Hi Moose,

If you look on my website, which is, under Voiceover Services, you'll notice that each genre has its own page. Each genre page starts off with a brief overview paragraph, example of my work, and demo. Below that, the page goes into more detail about the genre itself and what I can bring to the table for a client. I currently have 14 genre pages on my site with more in the works. You can also get to the genre pages through my homepage, under the Studio & Services section.
2/3/2023 at 2:54 PM
I heard you on a podcast (Marc Scott) mention to have a page for each type of genre (commercial, animation, etc.) yet I don't see that on your page and also a few other VO actors as well.
Is it not a big deal then?

Should I create a page for each genre I work in?
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