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'Inspirational' Brad Hyland Honored Plus
Winners Of 'One Voice Awards USA 2021'
August 31, 2021
Photos by Eileen Descallar

(VOXtra) - It was the final presentation, saved to the Sunday closing ceremony of this past weekend's One Voice Conference USA 2021 - a hybrid virtual and Dallas in-person event.

The Inspiration Award.

Leading to the announcement, emcee J. Michael Collins said the recipient "From day one has made an effort to give back, and has made a difference in careers and people's lives."

And that's voice actor Brad Hyland (pictured, receiving award).

Called to the stage amid applause, and at first with an emotionally choked voice, Hyland related how voice over "was all I ever wanted to do," and that after leaving a 35-year career in another industry, he's "never looked back."

"It's true," he said. "You can have a great career and love every minute of it."

Hyland's award capped a session-packed VO career weekend at the Hyatt DFW Airport Hotel, the industry's first major in-person conference in the U.S. since the COVID shutdowns.

It followed the prior weekend's One Voice Conference UK 2021 in London - both presented by the voice over training company Gravy for the Brain - and both featuring ceremonies to announce and celebrate winners of the annual One Voice Awards. (See all One Voice Award UK nominees and winners.)

"We want to award excellence and perpetuate brilliant work, whether it's going on in front of the mic or behind it," Collins said of the USA awards, which along with winners, honored a large field of nominees in 34 award categories. (See all One Voice Award USA nominees.)

Among the USA/Canada winners, Andia Winslow (pictured) was named Female Voiceover Artist of the Year, and Marc Graue, Male Voiceover Artist of the Year.

Bill Farmer was honored as Voiceover Legend of the Year 2021.

The award for Best International Voiceover Performance - Male, went to Mario Rafael Saavedra. And Estelle Hubert won the Best International Voiceover Performance - Female award.

There was even an award for Voiceover Newcomer of the Year. Congratulations, Mike Regan.

And congratulations to all!


Animation - Best Character Performance - Female (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Linsay Rousseau

Animation - Best Character Performance - Male (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Paul Cartwright

Audiobooks - Best Performance - Factual (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Dennis Kleinman

Audiobooks - Best Performance - Fiction (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Marc Graue

Automotive Commercial - Best Overall Performance (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Chris McCloy

Best Children's Voiceover Performance (Under 18) (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Rinah Ho

Best International Voiceover Performance - Male (International Voices Only*)
Mario Rafael Saavedra

Best International Voiceover Performance - Female (International Voices Only*)
Estelle Hubert

Voiceover Newcomer Of The Year (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Mike Regan

Best Outtake Of The Year (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Cheryl Hines

Corporate/Explainer - Best Overall Performance (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Mike Cooper

Corporate/Explainer - Best Overall Performance (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Brad Hyland

Demo Reels - Best Performance - Female (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Carman Wilson

Demo Reels - Best Performance - Male (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Den Johnson

Demo Reels - Best Performance - Male (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Brad Hyland

E-learning - Best Overall Performance (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Brigid Reale

Gaming - Best Performance - Female (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Andia Winslow

Gaming - Best Performance - Male (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Ian Russell

Medical Narration - Best Overall Performance
Matt Dratva

Movie or Game Trailer - Best Overall Performance
Jenn Henry

Outstanding Live Event Announcer (Voice Of God) (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Amy Selma

Political Commercial - Best Performance - Female
Jenn Henry

Political Commercial - Best Performance - Male
Mike Regan

Radio - Commercials Best Performance - Female (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Emma O'Neill

Radio - Commercials Best Performance - Male (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
John Malone

Radio Imaging/TV Affiliate - Best Performance - Male
Xavier Cadeau

Radio Imaging/TV Affiliate - Best Performance - Female
Jessica Trinidad

Telephony/Ivr - Overall Best Performance (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Sam Albertsen

Television/Web - Commercials Best Performance - Female (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Deborah Reeves

Television/Web - Commercials Best Performance - Male (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Rob Edwards

Television - Documentary/In-Show Narration - Best Performance - Female 
Michelle Sundholm

Television - Documentary/In-Show Narration - Best Performance - Male 
Matt Cowlrick

Voiceover Artist Of The Year - Female (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Andia Winslow

Voiceover Artist Of The Year - Male (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Marc Graue

Voiceover Legend of the Year 2021 (USA/Canada Voices Only*)
Bill Farmer

Best Voiceover Services Provider Of The Year (Public Vote)
Source Elements

Voice Job Site Of The Year (Public Vote)

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Comments (4)
Angela Y. Butler
9/23/2021 at 1:15 PM
“One Voice Awards” winners, well done, well done indeed - to you all, a . . . Hearty Congratulations!
9/4/2021 at 4:23 AM
What a wonderful evening! The voiceover community is truly one of a kind.
Amy Selma
9/1/2021 at 7:05 PM
It was amazing to be able to share the stage with an amazing supporting community! Thank you so much for celebrating us.
Brad Hyland
8/31/2021 at 1:57 PM
An amazing opportunity to learn, share and grow... Winning that award topped off the best working event in my entire life.

Thanks so much to entire #OVC21 team!
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