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World-Voices Organization Calls Voices' Purchase
Of Voicebank A 'Threat' To Industry Stability
August 15, 2017
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Following is a statement issued today by the Executive Board of the World-Voices Organization Inc. to members regarding the purchase of Voicebank(dot)net by Voices(dot)com:

Dear WoVO Members,

As you will no doubt be aware (from industry news outlets, social media, VO blogs, and the previous WoVO email), Voices dot com has purchased Voicebank. This is in line with Voices' stated goal of dominating the voiceover industry*. As we have noted previously, we do not consider Voices to be in compliance with our published Best Practices, and see this acquisition as a threat to the overall stability of the industry that will lead to a further erosion of rates and the commoditization of our services.

While World-Voices has no mandate or ability (legal or otherwise) to instruct our members on how to run their businesses, we recommend that you withdraw from any service owned or operated by Voices. Ultimately, this is a personal decision and we appreciate that our recommendation may be of concern to some members. We will take no action regarding an individual member's decision in this matter.

* David Ciccarelli, quoted from an interview with Success Harbor's George Meszaros:
"It comes down to this: we really do want to dominate the industry. Meaning, be that kind of dominant player for good but the one that everyone thinks voice-overs is synonymous with, like oh yeah, I go to voices dot com for that. So that means speaking to every potential customer that's out there, having every single voice talent that practices the art and craft of voice acting, they should be on the platform as well. It's having that omnipresence is really what we're aiming for."
Best regards,
The WoVO Executive BoardWorld-Voices Organization Inc.

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