VOICE OVER CAREER Why Add To Your Voice Over Business Troubles With Stupidity? Four Common Sense Suggestions ![]() Voice Actor We
make enough mistakes on our own through impatience, inattention,
sloppiness, or just plain ole pig-headedness. Why add to your troubles
with stupidity?
Seriously. While many of us are perfectionists, and hold our actions to high
ideals, there's no reason why our systems and processes should let us
down or add to our disappointments. Here's
a short list of four suggestions that may seem as plain as the nose on
your face, but when you pay tribute to them, or be mindful of them,
you'll eliminate some major sources of freelance sabotage. 1. TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH Sleep. Nutrition. Exercise. See? I told you this was elementary, so
why do we ignore this? especially with COVID afoot. Social Media bon
vivant Gary Vaynerchuk recently suggested an outrageous regimen of work
hours for people who want to get ahead that has been roundly opposed by
anyone with common sense. 2. RELY ON RELATIONSHIPS Humans are meant for this. I know. I'm an introvert, and would rather
be in my man-cave, but time and time and time again over 68 years it's
been hammered into my brain that when I seek counsel, or conversation,
or advice, or just the sound of another's good sense, I do better - much
better - than on my own. 3. TAKE RISKS
Fail. Be Agile. Very little progress is EVER made without this
point. Failing seems to be a sort of sabotage, so why not just
avoid failure? Because it's the one sure way to success. I know this sounds
odd. But until you chance something, you haven't tried, or grown, or
moved off the toadstool you're sitting on. In others words, go for it! 4. READ Really? Does this final suggestion deserve its place in
the pantheon of anti-sabotage? Most assuredly so. Maybe the best
example is Warren Buffett or Bill Gates, both of whom read voraciously
daily. Warren Buffett claims to spend 80% of his day reading. Books,
white papers, Kindle, audiobooks, emails, blogs, popular media,
podcasts, magazines, and online subscriptions all count …and more. HONORABLE MENTION: 'NOTHING' TIME Mindless time to space-out with the kids, or
a video-game, or walking, or playing with the dog. Sleep does this
too…but sometimes it needs to be an exercise when you're conscious. -------------------- ABOUT DAVE Dave Courvoisier is a voice actor and audiobook narrator based in Las Vegas who was recruited back to TV news following retirement from a long stint as Emmy Award-winning broadcaster, producer and the main weeknight news anchor on KLAS-TV, Channel 8, the CBS affiliate. He is now the morning TV news anchor on Good Morning Las Vegas at ABC affiliate KTNV, Channel 13 (also seen as live stream on KTNV.com). A former president and a founding member of the World-Voices Organization (WoVO), he also writes Voice-Acting in Vegas, a daily blog of voice over adventures, observations and technology, and is author and publisher of the book, More Than Just A Voice: The Real Secret To VoiceOver Success, now in its second edition. Email: CourVO@CourVO.com Web: http://www.courvo.com Blog: https://courvo.com/blog More Than Just A Voice - 2nd Edition |
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Comments (2)
Carl Bishop
1/21/2021 at 3:31 PM
I enjoyed this Courvoisier Post. Self sabotage is one of our main enemies as Freelancers.
Alan Sklar
1/21/2021 at 2:10 PM
Dave is an introvert! If you believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you!!!! Some introvert!
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