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Use This 'New Client Checklist' Immediately
After Landing A New Voice-Over Client
April 19, 2018

By Natasha Marchewka
Voice Actor & Course Creator

In voice-over, we can potentially land a new client in a week, or day, or even several a day.

But I've found that when I have a lot of new clients coming in, I drop the ball when it comes to making sure I have all their details - and "with what to do" after-the-fact.

And when a new client drips in once or twice a month, my "new client routine" also tends to suffer, because I'm not on top of my game and I let routines slip through the cracks.

All the names that start flowing into our inbox start to lose context.

So, what works for me is a list. Surprise, surprise.


Do you need help figuring out what to do when you have a new freelance client and you've finished your first job with them?

Here's a New Client Checklist that will help you tie it all together!
  • Starting with the client's email signature block, collect contact details and add to your invoicing database/software. This will connect the work you've done from them to their name. It's also a good time to add them into any additional databases you have going – CRM, tracking software, spreadsheet. Ideally, we'd only have one database, but admittedly, I have more than one on the go right now.
  • Grab an envelope from your personalized stationary and fill out their name and details on the front of the envelope.
  • Connect with your client (and their company) on all social media platforms they list in their email signature. If they don't list any, Google the business to see if their company website lists further contact information for your database and all social media contact info.
  • If the company appears in Facebook, hover over the "three dots" and "LIKE as your page" instead of liking from your personal profile.
  • In Twitter, make sure you are connecting only with your profile that you use for business.
  • Subscribe to the company's YouTube channel.
  • For all other social medias, same as above – connect as your business, not from your personal profiles, unless you are using those for business.
  • Now, go to LinkedIn and connect with the specific contact who hired you, if they appear in a search.
  • Back on their company website, sign up for their newsletter and blog, if they have either.
  • When the voice-over job is done and you have sent the invoice, immediately mail the new client a thank you note with your prepared envelope and a business card inside. If they hadn't paid yet, the card will also be a good reminder to do so!
  • Finally, review your past client's social media details every six months or so, to stay up-to-date.
Broadcast and non-broadcast, Natasha has recorded 10,000+ commercials and voice-over projects over the past 12 years, including Adventures by Disney, ZipRecruiter, and Electrolux. With a Bachelor's degree in Radio Television Arts, several years of singing jazz in New York City, and many, MANY jobs paying her dues, she started her voice-over business as an eager entrepreneur. She's also a prolific list maker, which has helped her move her business and family to three different countries. Her course offerings from Master VO To-Do List helps working voice talent get their business on track.

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Comments (7)
Saundi Harrison-Cooksey
5/1/2018 at 12:22 PM
Great info Natasha!!! As usual, I learn so much from your articles. I will start adding these things to my current list.
You Rock!
Johnny George
4/22/2018 at 4:51 PM
Wonderful reminders. Thanks for sharing.
Dave Courvoisier
4/19/2018 at 10:55 PM
Lovely list!....only shouldn't the article on "How to Get New Clients" come first!?

Dave Courvoisier
Kelley Buttrick
4/19/2018 at 1:55 PM
As always, BRILLIANT tips from Natasha!
Linda Joy
4/19/2018 at 12:27 PM
Thanks, Natasha! Great ideas :)
Conchita Congo
4/19/2018 at 10:44 AM
Amazing tips that I can start implementing immediately.
Thank you.
Amy Weis
4/19/2018 at 10:12 AM
Brilliant as always! thanks Natasha!
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