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Loop And Learn With VO & Casting Director
John Gidcomb Tonight On 'Voice Over Body Shop'
October 16, 2017

(VOXtra) - Step into the loop of looping and ADR - automated dialog replacing - tonight when voice actor and unique casting director John Gidcomb takes the guest chair on the Voice Over Body Shop webcast (starting at 6 pm PT at

John's role in the voice over biz is unique, as casting director of Loop De Loop, an ADR and looping group based in Los Angeles.

A studio casting call for ADR comes when voice talent are needed to change or add dialog to a film - or to replace an unavailable screen actor's voice with a dead-on impression.

And looping jobs arise to add background dialog to a film: think crowd and restaurant scenes.

"It's all part of Hollywood magic," says Dan Lenard (the Home Studio Master), who co-hosts the Monday night webcast with George Whittam (VO audio tech guru).

"John will tell us how its done, and how you can learn and add these unique skills to your repertoire," Dan adds.

John's group provides these background and ADR sounds for top box office movies, including Marvel films, the Planet of the Apes series, X-Men films, Avatar, LaLa Land, Titanic, and many more.

John will also answer questions, which you can send now or during the webcast to

Also during the webcast, George and Dan will discuss voice over tech issues, plus editing software in their "DAWVIEW 2017."

A lively chat room is a show in itself!

Always unpredictable and chocked with valuable how-to info on home studio technology - and all things voice over - this Monday night webcast has earned a large following for the hundreds of live and recorded episodes. It also features news and VO how-to advice from VoiceOverXtra.

The online event starts at 9 pm Eastern; 8 pm Central; 7 pm Mountain; 6 pm Pacific.

Past shows can also be viewed any time on YouTube and at the VO-BS website:


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