CAREER Is It Finally Time To Manage Your Time Better? How To Accomplish More ... January 6, 2017 ![]() Voice Actor & Coach Time management is the key to success in every endeavor! It's needed in voice over careers. Here are some tips to help you minimize time-wasters from your day and prioritize those tasks you must do in a day's time.
Your home-based business has very special needs. Everyone who works from home knows how difficult making your office in your home can be, but voice performers have even a harder task because of the need for silence when recording. We have to have quiet! That's a tall order, particularly if you have children at home. Young children pose even more difficult challenges for the voice performer. SO - WHAT TO DO? What are your options? We've divided our tips into sections: If you have children ... 1. Establish daily recording hours and try to record while children are at school. Take advantage of before- and after-school options, as valuable enrichment for your children.Control your appointments 1. Book appointments (doctors, dentists, pedicures, your vet) on one or two days (more if needed). That way, part of another day or whole days of the week are free. 5. Keep your datebook current and consult it dailyGroceries and other deliveries pay off big! We live in a new world where everything from toiletries to groceries to gourmet restaurant foods can be delivered to your door at very reasonable fees.Plan your work and work your plan! 1. All Work and No Play is a Bummer! Do it, but schedule it. This includes TV time! Include personal appointments such as beauty and barbershop and shopping for clothing, visiting the playground with young ones. Everything should be in your day book during the work week.Remember: Time is money, time is fleeting, make the most of every moment! -------------------------- ABOUT BETTYE Bettye Zoller is a multi-award winning international voice talent and trainer, and owner of a voice over production and training company based in Dallas. Winner of Clio, Addy, Golden Radio and many other awards, she coaches individuals and conducts workshops in her Dallas studio. Email: |
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Bettye zoller
1/14/2017 at 3:41 PM
Thanks all for your emails to me!!!
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