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Chicago To Host APAC & Audies Gala:
Discount Registration Deadline Is April 6

April 1, 2015

(VOXtra) - Planning to fly to Chicago next month for this year's Audio Publishers Annual Conference (APAC) and the The Audie Awards Gala?

If so, be an earlybird with your registration to save $100 on your APAC registration, and another $50 for the Audies Gala. These discount offers expire on April 6.

APAC is the popular full-day event offering training, panel discussions and networking for audiobook narrators and publishers - and is the event of the year for narrators for meeting and mingling with publishers.

Frequently in New York City, APAC comes this year to Chicago's vast McCormick Place - in conjunction with Book Expo America - on Tuesday, May 10, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

During the day, separate Performance (for narrators) and Business (for publishers) tracks run, and one of the many popular Performance sessions is Speed Dating, where narrators meet casting directors.

For APAC details and registration, please click here.

On the following day, May 11, the Audio Publishers Association (APA) honors the winners of the 2016 Audie Awards competition at the annual Audie Awards Gala at Chicago's Adler Planetarium on Museum Campus. (See finalists here.)

Wear your tux if you have one, and begin with cocktails at 6:30 p.m. Award-winning comedian, author and commentator Paula Poundstone is emcee, and a host of industry pros will announce award winners.

For Audie Awards Gala details and registration, please click here.

And for information on the Audio Publishers Association, visit the APA website: www.

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