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Are You A Perfectionist? Here's Why
You're Having Trouble In Voice Over
December 27, 2017

By Rick Lance

Voice Actor

Many would claim that a perfectionist would be the best sort of employee. This is the person who simply must do the best, be the best at every turn. 

However, that desire for absolute perfection can get a person in trouble, not just with co-workers in the traditional office, but also in the voice over industry. 

If you are a perfectionist and attempting to make your market in voice over, then you could be harming your own chances of success.

Here are three reasons why:

1. The Need to Impress Could Impress No One

When you spend every moment trying to impress the client, the sound engineers - and anyone else who may be listening to the recording - you are apt to leave your personality behind.

When you get too caught up in making everything perfect, you forget that the characters you portray in the readings are human and, therefore, flawed.

Particularly with my voice, I find that sometimes technical flaws become a selling point in my performances (cracking, raspiness, pitch change and breaths).

2. Obsessing Over Every Little Lull in Activity

While it would be wonderful if we, as voice over artists, could count on a steady flow of work and therefore a steady paycheck, it rarely works that way. Even the best will admit that there are both very busy periods and also slow spells.

Rather than panic every time things slow down, you must be able to see these as opportunities to boost other areas of the business (i.e. marketing campaigns, blog writing, demo preparation, etc.).

If you allow your perfectionist tendencies to bog you down, you'll miss such occasions.

3. Failing to See Those in Your Cheering Section

It's true that this is a competitive industry, but that doesn't mean you are on your own.

A perfectionist can make the mistake of believing that he or she cannot let go of any of the control of each and every scenario encountered. This, however, is a job that will require that you accept the support, encouragement, and, yes, critique of clients, directors, engineers, producers and more.

The good news is that these people want to see you excel, which will ultimately serve your personality well.
Rick Lance has been working as a voice talent since 1993, transitioning from singing demos and personal projects in Nashville's music business to voicing hundreds of commercials, then promos, narrations, character voices and more. His vocal style is described as Americana, the voice of the Heartland. He is currently the voice (narrator) of three hunting programs and one outdoor program on the Sportsman Channel and the Outdoor Channel. His client list includes Toyota, Harley Davidson, Sony Entertainment, Coca Cola, Life Care Centers of America, John Deere, Jordan Outdoor Enterprises and Sacred Seasons II. He has also become a leading voice for the industries of construction, manufacturing, energy production, trucking, agriculture/equine, outdoor sports, travel, community banking, finance and health care. And he is a colorful voice for film, television, museum and corporate documentaries. "I'm lucky to be working within my comfort zone," he says, "literally living out my voice acting life as an outdoorsman, horseman, weekend cowboy and working man, gentleman farmer on my six acre mini ranch with my horses, dogs, cats and my wife near Nashville."



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Comments (4)
1/26/2018 at 12:07 PM
This is exactly what I needed to read right now! Thanks, Rick!
12/31/2017 at 8:38 PM
Very informative, thanks for this. I find myself obsessing over the littlest thing sometimes. It’s so true that maybe the flaws we may see in our voice can turn out to define it more.
Conchita Congo
12/28/2017 at 10:11 AM
So true! Your article hits home with me. I have been a victim of analysis paralysis due to my endless obsession with perfection. Now that I've learned to just do my best & move on, I see my VO career finally gaining momentum.
Thank you.
Johnny George
12/27/2017 at 11:04 AM
Very astute observations and advice, Rick. Well done.
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