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Leaf Blowers Are The Scourge Of VO,
Shouts - Rather, Sings - Joe Thomas
December 8, 2016

(VOXtra) - Just when you think it's safe to turn on the mic - Rrrrrrrrrrrrgh! The Leaf Blower Man shows up next door. (For our colleagues in the Southeast, this would be the Palm Tree Trimmer Guy.)

Well, voice actor Joe Thomas has had enough of it. Leaf blowers are the scourge of VO, he shouts - or rather, sings (quite nicely) in this parody, set to the tune of the Beatles' hit, "Nowhere Man."

Take a listen and you'll never think of the Leaf Blower Man the same way again ...


OK - we hear your call for more Joe. Here's another that hits home, too ...

Joe J. Thomas is a professional voice actor in Los Angeles, working in games, animation, ADR, promos and commercials. For fun, he also writes a weekly creative blog, Joe's Dump (see link below), delivering music, stories, business posts and anything that pops out of his head.


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Comments (3)
Rosi Amador
12/9/2016 at 2:53 PM
Joe, my husband Brian and I snorted with laughter at your Alone Again parody! We identify, but really, your dry delivery is what makes it great. You're so talented! Thanks for making my day.
Bobbin Beam
12/8/2016 at 1:16 PM
This is SO great! Thanks, Joe. I completely relate. Not only blowers, but lots of mowers in my 'hood. Especially crazy during the summer around here in Wisconsin. But in So Cal, we had blowers all-year 'round.
Fred Humberstone
12/8/2016 at 10:27 AM
You're a funny, talented guy, Joe. Thanks for sharing.
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