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When The Director Wants "Five In A Row,"
Here's How To Voice Them With Variety

February 22, 2018

(VOXtra) - A cool voice acting how-to video we just noticed features VO pro and coach Randye Kaye advising how not to panic - but instead, deliver - a variety of takes when the director tells you, "Give me five in a row."
Note: This video was originally prepared by Randye at the request of VO pro/coach Gabby Nistico.
Ready? Take five ...

Randye Kaye is an internationally acclaimed voice talent and voice-over coach who lives an eclectic life, and loves it that way. A full-time voice talent/audiobook narrator - also stage actress/singer, author, speaker, podcast host, radio on-air talent,VO coach, mental health activist and happiness simplifier - Randye says she's "Never bored!"


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Comments (2)
Debbie Irwin
2/23/2018 at 4:33 PM
Terrific audio lesson on accessing both sides of your brain to generate endless interpretations of copy.
Thanks, this is a keeper and a sharer!
Mark H.
2/23/2018 at 11:38 AM
A really concise explanation that is spot on! Great example and a brilliant reminder on how to quickly and efficiently pull off a variety of reads using physication!
Thank You!
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