VOICE OVER CAREER Dave Courvoisier Publishes 'Must Read' Career Book: 'More Than Just A Voice' July 22, 2014 ![]() Yet by day, he anchors our voice over careers - delivering blogs and special reports and links to the voice over online community about technology, voice acting, careers - and increasingly this year, social media. You've read his articles on VoiceOverXtra and have likely met him personally at a voice over event, where he's often the emcee. He even greeted you last year every time you clicked into the Voice Over Virtual online conference! (No, we don't know when he sleeps.) ![]() It's a 250+ page compilation of the news, resources and observations that Courvoisier has shared with us in blogs over the past seven years. He's cherry-picked the best and still-current articles from more than 2,250 gems that we've been following daily. And pardon the cliche, but this is a "must-read" book for voice actors at all levels of career. Yes, Courvoisier talks to newcomers, but he also has tips for us all - from technology to best biz practices, voice acting, and of course, Dave's famous lists of resource links. Right now, to purchase the Kindle or paperback versions, please click here to visit the book's website.Need to know more? Here's a brief video from Dave, followed by details of the new book, written by - who else? - Dave Courvoisier ... More Than Just A Voice ... By Dave Courvoisier Voice Actor, Author, TV News Anchor Once a week, on average, I get a call from someone with a "really nice voice." He (or she) has been told by co-workers, friends, and family so many times that he has a terrific voice that he can't ignore it any more. His call to me is a first step in what he hopes will be a lucrative career in voice acting. Why me? Because I'm a well-known voice-actor and have worked hard to gain that reputation. In seven years of blogging only to the community of voice-actors, specifically on the subject of voice acting, I've helped to educate myself and others on the challenges of being a freelance voice artist. My first diplomatic answer to my caller is: being a success in voice-acting requires More Than Just a Voice. I've had to gingerly explain the REAL secret to voiceover success so often, that it became clear: somebody needed to tell the truth about being a voice actor. It's hard work! It's a business, and should be approached as a business. It takes more than just a voice. PRACTICAL ADVICE ... By my best ballpark estimate: a good voice will get you about a tenth of a mile down the road of voiceover success. In fact, in the first chapter of More Than Just a Voice: The REAL Secret to Voiceover Success, you'll hear me ask: "How well do you handle rejection? Even when you know you're better than the competition?" and states, "Accept that growing opportunities are counter-balanced by declining compensations, and increasing competition." There is no other voiceover book on the market with more practical advice on every page, than THIS book. The first section of the book gets right to the heart of the matter with some of the nuts 'n' bolts of the business of voiceovers:
Part Two of the book focuses on the importance of seeking constant coaching and staying abreast of new methods: the "continuing education" part of every profession. You'll meet the notables I've trained with along the way:
Part Three covers the "Business of the VO Business":
The chapter titled: "5 End-of-Year Reminders" naturally led to another Chapter called "Your January Planner," a list of 50 suggestions (!) for starting your VO year off on the right foot. Sections four and five tackle issues of charging appropriate rates and how to choose the right voice-over niche (there are many) for your voice and your temperament. The final, sixth section is a bounty of links, lists, resources, and referrals to further information that I've found in my seven years of blogging to the voice-over community. MY MISTAKES, TOO Throughout the pages of this book, I share my mistakes, my doubts, my discoveries, and the relationships that shaped my career in voiceovers. Along the way I watched many people with voices I envied, drop out and move on to something else. I watched others with unremarkable vocal cords step forward to heights of success I still aspire to. The stories within the book are all evidence that it truly takes "More Than Just a Voice"! What's the "more"? Hard work and persistence will grant anyone with an enduring passion the way to realize their dreams! -------------------- ABOUT DAVE
Dave Courvoisier is an Emmy Award-winning broadcaster, writer, producer, voice actor, and the main weeknight news anchor on KLAS-TV, Channel 8, the Las Vegas CBS affiliate. He also writes Voice-Acting in Vegas, a daily blog of voice over adventures, observations and technology, and is the author of More Than Just A Voice: The REAL Secret to VoiceOver Success. Email: CourVO@CourVO.com Web: http://www.courvo.com Blog: http://www.courvo.biz Twitter: http://twitter.com/courvo More Than Just A Voice: http://courvo.com/more-than-just-a-voice |
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Comments (3)
Rachel Fulginiti
7/25/2014 at 1:21 AM
Congratulations Dave! Your book looks absolutely wonderful. I will certainly be telling others what book they need to get whenever I receive my "How do I get into Voiceover" emails! Wishing you much success with it!!
Alan Sklar
7/22/2014 at 10:42 AM
Yes! Yes! We all know that Dave drinks like a fish and beats his wife! Nevertheless, he is a Prince and the most generous guy in our industry. Read the book and increase your awareness of what really goes on in our business.
Randye Kaye
7/22/2014 at 10:16 AM
Way to go, Dave! Can't wait to read it!
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