VOICE ACTING How To Be Effective In A Live Voice-Over Recording Session ![]() Effectiveness is everything in your voice-over career, especially in the booth during a live session. Here's an example. Recently I had a recording session for a commercial demo spot. That's when
they semi-produce a commercial and test it before they decide to fully
produce it and put it on TV. I booked it via a representation-generated
audition, and we recorded it in a studio in NYC. I had a
great time, and both the producer and engineer were a pleasure to work
with. I'm not at liberty to discuss the product in question, but I do want to talk a bit about the process. 15-SEC SPOT, 10 TAKES
session was an hour long for a 15-second spot (about five lines of
copy). We did roughly 10 takes of the entire spot and some ABC's of a
few lines. "ABC" is when they ask you to do the same line three times in
a row, each time a little differently. One nice thing was that the audio engineer was editing my takes to
video, so we could see the finished product as we were going. The music
and Foley (sound effects) were edited in, too, and that's always a big help for me to determine tone and pace. Another
nice thing about this session is that it quickly turned into a
collaboration instead of a line-reading clinic - where the client
tells you exactly how to say each line. Some voice talent find that
line-reading infuriating while others don't mind. I used to hate it, but it doesn't
bother me that much anymore. If giving me a line-reading gives them
exactly what they want, everybody wins. Anyway, the session went smoothly, and even though we were focused and working hard, everyone had a good time. MOST IMPORTANT: LISTEN Effectiveness is the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result.
How do you demonstrate effectiveness during a live session?
Listen, listen, listen. Good
voice talents are good listeners. Your opinion of how think the copy
should be read does not matter. Your job is to focus on what the
producer/director tells you to do, and by extension seek the author's
truth. That means getting out of your own way, internalizing their
direction, and channeling it into your read. OFFER OPTIONS ... Also, give them options. A
huge part of effectiveness in the booth is to be able to deliver a
variety of reads on command. There are an almost infinite variety of
ways to do this. You can:
Your opinion only matters when they ask you for it. Do
not share what you think of the writing or your takes unless they
explicitly ask for it. And for Pete's sake, don't react to your takes!
In other words, don't sigh, heavily exhale, or make any other noises
that express your dissatisfaction (or satisfaction) with a take. It's their job to like or dislike your takes, not yours. Effectiveness is achievable if you remember your training, stay calm, and use common sense. ------------------- ABOUT TOM Over more than two decades, Tom Dheere - AKA 'The VO Strategist' - has narrated thousands of projects for clients in over a dozen countries and voiced more than 40 audiobooks. He is also a voice over business consultant, a coach at Edge Studio, was the marketing consultant for the Voice Over Virtual online conference, and is also writer/producer of the sci-fi action comic book Agent 1.22. Email: tom@tomdheere.com Web: www.tomdheere.com Agent 1.22 SEE MORE HELPFUL VOICE ACTING ARTICLES |
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Comments (1)
J. Valentino
9/18/2019 at 1:01 PM
Very helpful information for anyone who is brand new or trying to break into to the VO business. People who do this for a living already know this stuff, thank goodness.
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