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What Are You Thankful For This Week?
Come On - You'll Be Glad To Share ...

November 23, 2016

By John Florian
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday - perhaps it's your favorite, too?
I mean, there's the turkey and pumpkin pie and getting together with the family and friends. We always laugh. Eat too much. "Restart the diet tomorrow."
It's a relaxed time ( ... I don't do the physical mall on Black Friday - but online is tempting, especially when there's a sale on something I've been wanting.)
And I love Thanksgiving because it's garnished with the word "thanks."
Giving thanks - and giving to others who are less fortunate - makes us feel better.
So: What are YOU thankful for this Thanksgiving? Please share your thoughts in the COMMENTS section below.
Hey, I'll get the ball rolling ...
I'm thankful for my wife ...  my family ... my health ... a career that lets me passionately follow creative instincts ... and for you! Thank you SO MUCH for being a part of my life.
John Florian is the founder/publisher of VoiceOverXtra, the voice over industry's award-winning online news, education and resource center, offering thousands of resource links, how-to articles, calendar of industry events, industry directory, webinar training and more. A former magazine editorial director/publisher, John is also a voice talent who merged those two career passions to create VoiceOverXtra in 2007.


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Comments (6)
Martha Kahn
11/24/2016 at 12:41 PM
I'm thankful to have the opportunity to work with and for you on this valuable resource guide for four years John. You give to our industry with truth in reporting, kindness, fairness and grace. VoiceOverXtra rocks!

Happy Thanksgiving to you, Nancy and your whole family!
JC Tambo
11/24/2016 at 8:07 AM
Hi to all:

While I don't live in America, I am thankful to have such a great connection with those who do.

I am thankful for being part of the Voice Over community and am so glad to have found this site...I look forward to connecting with all of you.

I am especially thankful for my family who support me through all my crazy adventures 😎
Elizabeth Holmes
11/23/2016 at 12:27 PM
I'm thankful for the amazing community of voice actors I've met through VoiceOverXtra! Thank YOU John for creating this vibrant website, and making it possible for us to learn from one another through timely articles and webinars. You are the BEST!!
Rosi Amador
11/23/2016 at 12:07 PM
Oh John, I continue to tell everyone who listens to me talk about my VO journey that you're my VO guardian angel and this is why. You're always lighting the torch for others and I'm right here receiving it! Like the wonderful Rebecca Haugh, I'm grateful for VoiceOverXtra too, as well as our amazing VO community.

Someone asked me the other day- what is the one thing that you can think of that has made you a successful VO? I answered that it was my colleagues, because of the enormous support and encouragement to be the best I can be at my profession as well as in life.

I'm deeply grateful that I live the life I've created, combining rest and play with voiceover and Latin music performances to make a living. And that I get to do this with my hubby Brian and daughters Alisa and Sonia is even more miraculous.

Lastly, the opportunity to voice for projects I love, that make a difference in the world, is something I am supremely grateful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, John, and everyone, from the bottom of my heart!
Rebecca Haugh
11/23/2016 at 6:19 AM
Hey John, great idea! I'm thankful for VoiceOverXtra, naturally - and more broadly for the VO community at large. We are really incredibly warm and supportive versus the rest of the acting community.

Now on a personal level, I'm really thankful for ev-er-y-thing! The ability to live this creative life, organize and accomplish personal goals, enjoy friendships online and in person... I truly wish that for everyone!

I'm thankful for social tools - internet, because it's incredible to stay in touch via video! And MEET that way too!! What an incredible world we are a part of... And last but NOT least, my closest family and friends - their LOVE never leaves me... These are some of the things I'm thankful for.
BP Smyth
11/23/2016 at 4:09 AM
Hello John. I'm very thankful for living in this great Country America, my Wife of 32 years, and my two children. Also, this great website. Thank you John for providing a classy site for us voice-over talents to gain solid positive information.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your family.
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