Comfort Zones Will Kill Your Voice Over Career.
A Step Outside Might Change Everything For You
![]() Voice Actor & A Voice Acting Institute Lead Instructor
Confession: At the end of the day, I used to like to sit in my old, comfy recliner in the living room and relax. Then I realized something!
Comfort Zones will kill you.
OK, it might not be a recliner for you. But there IS a place where you go to relax and you are comfortable. It's your "Comfort Zone."
You know what though? As comfortable as it is, and as good as it feels, nothing PRODUCTIVE ever happens in that chair.
Several years ago, this analogy was flushed out to me during a St. Jude Children's Research Hospital conference in Memphis.
Coach Bill Courtney was the keynote speaker, and he discussed comfort zones during his address. Courtney was the subject of the Oscar-winning documentary Undefeated. After hearing his speech, I was inspired to step outside of my own comfort zone.
I began looking for opportunities that stretched me.
I hustled like crazy, working my day job in radio, then at night - instead of plopping down in front of the TV in my recliner (like I had done all my life) - I would sink myself into voice acting-related activity. Auditions, marketing plans, and flushing out my very own brand.
As voice actors, we sometimes get locked into a comfort zone that causes us to feel one-dimensional in our voice work, or we become locked into one specific genre of work.
When you get out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself, even just a little bit, you might be really surprised at what you discover and learn about yourself.
When I chose to 'get out of my comfort zone' and began CREATING from my heart - in a functional way - my career really took off. Why? Because I took a risk my gut told me to take.
So, I have a challenge for you. Go outside the lines of what you normally do.
Take the risk. Have fun. Take one step - and stop tolerating the same outcome you keep seeing for yourself.
But don't overthink it, either.
Stop being so stubborn – and do something about it. What are you tolerating?
Accept my challenge and get out of your comfort zone, because taking that one step might be the step that changes everything for you.
Rob Reed is a full-time, 6-figure income voice actor who has spent most of his life behind a microphone. He is also a Lead Instructor at the Voice Acting Institute (VIA), which offers participants workshops, webinars and other info and tips about the voice over industry. Rob has been ROCKING a 30-year voice, radio, and multimedia production career that is still going strong. As a coach, he inspires change and transformation, based on his two decades of experience in bringing confidence and knowledge to support his mission as a coach and as a client. His coaching clients range from semi-established to seasoned pros who are hungry and eager to move to the next career level. As a team leader, Rob demonstrates a powerful ability to work in collaboration with his clients to help them capture the ethos of big brand client expectations. Rob is a voice of many national brands, including Porsche, Toro Lawn Mowers, Savage Arms, Mercury Marine, Olympia Tools, Federal Premium Ammunition, Kubota, Toyota and Monsanto, to name a few. His voice over clients range from radio imaging and automotive to outdoor clients, for whom he is the rugged "go-to" voice for their brands and products.
Voice Acting Institute: www.voiceactinginstitute.com
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