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'Do It MY Way Or...' Junga Books & Videos 
Help Kids Understand & Deal With Bullying

By James Alburger
VO Coach, Producer, Director, Author

"Do it MY way or..."

Does this sound familiar? Someone you know (or don't know) forces you to do something their way "or else..." 

There's almost always a dire consequence if you don't comply. So you have a choice... go along with the demand... or don't. And if you don't... well... there's been a lot of that going on over the past few years. 

There's still a lot of bullying going on in today's world. Especially for kids. The way in which your children understand and deal with bullying can affect them for the rest of their lives. 

Motivated to Act (a 501c3 not-for-profit) has created a series of books and videos as part of a curriculum designed to help young children understand and deal with bullying. 

I'm very proud to say that I've played a role in the video side of this project from its very beginning as the voice over for the opening introduction, director and video editor. I've
also handled sound design and music scoring.  


Created by director/anti-bullying advocate Stephen Tako, Junga, the Dancing Yeti is a series of books and videos with a positive message that are fun and entertaining for young kids. The primary age range is 4-9, but the stories can be enjoyed by "kids of all ages." 

The books are a fun read for that special time with your kids. The videos include a full voice over cast of characters with many roles performed by young voice actors from around the U.S. plus a few VO professionals. 

The third story, Junga, the Dancing Yeti, in Yeti, Set, Go!, includes voice over performances from 5 NFL stars. 

Each book and video includes a number of "Grandma Yeti's Tips" for dealing with bullying. 


If you've got young children - or know of someone who has young children - Junga, the Dancing Yeti could be a great way to help them learn some important life lessons and have fun at the same time. 

If you don't have young children, please feel free to forward this on to any of your friends who do. A small donation of only $4.99 each will give you access to the three Junga videos. 

The books are available as eBooks, paperback or hard-cover, ranging from $4.99 - $14.99 (plus shipping for the paperback and hard cover editions). 

For more information or to order your books or videos, just CLICK HERE or go to And if you're a teacher - or know a teacher - who might like to include this program in your curriculum, please reach out to Motivate-To-Act for more information. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Junga videos, especially since there's a 4th story in the works. You can contact me at
Following a 25-year career with NBC, San Diego, and the recipient of 11 Emmy Awards for audio production and sound design, James Alburger opened in 1998 as an independent voice actor, performance coach and audio post-production expert. Between 2007and 2014, James co-produced the VoiceOver International Creative Experience (VOICE) convention, the first International convention for voice over talent. During its ground-breaking 5-event run, the VOICE conventions literally changed the industry by bringing the International voice over community together for the first time and spawning numerous other voice over conferences and events. James also literally "wrote the book" on voice acting with The Art of Voice Acting - a comprehensive manual of voice over and acting techniques that focuses on how the reader can succeed in the craft and business of voice over. The book is used Internationally in the U.S., the U.K., Europe and China as a performing arts and voice acting textbook, and is considered "the bible of the voice over industry" by voice over professionals. The book's 7th edition is due in December. For more than 25 years, James has also worked with actors, voice over talent, and professional speakers, taking the actor's initial choices to a new level through his understanding of the nuance of interpretation, delivery, blocking, timing, and character. He has directed hundreds of commercial voice talent, specialty performers and on-camera talent. And he provides continued support through his mastermind group, The Conductor's Club. James currently works with aspiring voice talent through one-on-one personalized coaching and workshops. 

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