VOICE OVER FINANCE MO-JOE Friday Video, Episode 86: 'What Is Your Budget?' (VOXtra) - Are you starting or building your voice over career with family money? If so, be sure to keep all investors in your career in the loop on expenses, advises VO pro/coach Joe Loesch. In today's new MO-JOE Friday Video, Joe suggests creating a team plan for your short- or long-term investments in training, equipment, marketing and whatever else is needed along the way - and to "Get your family on board" .... COME BACK FOR MO-JOE! Joe Loesch is a top voice actor and voice-over coach, an award-winning spoken word producer, and (... drum roll ... ) your leader at the Voice-Over Booth Camp. Joe also trains you in an info-packed VoiceOverXtra webinar recording: Master 3 Levels of Voice-Over Performance. Here's a link to details. And come back soon for MO-JOE! On the first and third Friday of every month, Joe delivers MO-JOE Friday Video refills on all aspects of voice acting and succeeding in voice-over to VoiceOverXtra readers. Check out past episodes here. |
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