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MO-JOE Friday Video:
Take Your Voice Over Business Seriously

(VOXtra) - To succeed in voice over, you must have a firm grip on the idea of running a business.

"Don't make the mistake of thinking it's all about the sound of your voice," warns VO pro and coach Joe Loesch in this MO-JOE Friday Video encore.

"People often ask me, 'Is there a market for my voice?' to which I reply, 'Yes, there probably is, but are you willing to set up a booth to sell your voice? If you don't, someone who sounds similar to you, will.'"

Click the video above to make sure the lesson sinks in.


Joe Loesch is a top voice actor, narrator and voice over coach, an award-winning spoken word producer, and (... drum roll ... ) your leader at Voice-Over Booth Camp.

Joe also trains you in VoiceOverXtra webinar recordings on VO performance, character voices, and how to stay the course in a voice over career. Take a look:

And come back soon for MO-JOE!

On the first and third Friday of every month, Joe delivers MO-JOE Friday Video refills on all aspects of voice acting and succeeding in voice over to VoiceOverXtra readers. Check out past episodes here.

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Comments (1)
Memo Sauceda
12/17/2022 at 12:14 PM
As always, your tip is "on point." Thank you, Joe - love these quick golden nuggets of wisdom.
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