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Voice Over Virtual Conference 'Ideal'
For Radio Talent Doing Voice Overs

September 16, 2013

By Farn Dupre
Voice Over Virtual Staff Writer

(VOXtra) - Radio personalities and others immersed in the world of radio broadcasting can find training and know-how for jobs in the voice over acting industry by registering now for Voice Over Virtual, the totally online conference for the digital age starting Wednesday, September 18, 2013.

Attendees will only need an Internet connection to take advantage of a broad array of home studio technicians, coaches, narrators and other voice over professionals who will share tips and insights via more than 50 professional training videos - available on demand until November 30, 2013.

The major days for social media-style networking - including online interactive Exhibit Halls, Meeting Rooms and the Agents & Casting Directors Lounge - are September 18, 19 and 20.

Anyone - beginner to pro, involved in radio or not - is invited to register.  


"Voice Over Virtual is ideal for radio talent looking to do freelance voice over work, transition into voice over work, or combine a radio and a VO career,” says Moneen Daley, a Boston-area voice over talent who straddles both worlds and whose presentation at the VOV conference is called "From Radio to Voice Overs.” 

Daley aims to share techniques "that can allow you to modulate your mood  / tempo / style of delivery to bring out your most authentic self at both the radio mic and the voice over mic.”

Another advocate of combining radio and voice over work is Randye Kaye, a morning radio personality for years who now lists commercial voice overs, audiobook narration, coaching for voice over training giant Edge Studio, and fill-in work as a DJ for a classical music radio station among her credits.  

To position yourself in both worlds, says Kaye, you need to know the difference between acting and announcing.

"As a radio talent you learn how to ‘announce.’ You have an internal clock that tells you how to time things, and how to tell the story quickly.

"But announcer skills are a small part of voice over work,"says Kaye. "You also need a natural style of reading. You need practice in acting and improv, you need to enhance your skills to make them more subtle, and you need to be believable.”  


Anyone who works in radio broadcasting also needs to learn how to run a business as a solo artist, says Kaye.

"If you’re in radio, you have a job where you clock in every day and you get a paycheck. But as a voice over talent, you need to know how to attract clients, communicate with clients, invoice clients, and run a home studio. You don’t get a job with benefits, you get a gig,” says Kaye.  


That’s where the Voice Over Virtual conference comes in.

Kaye, along with Daley and more than 50 other voice over professionals, are featured as presenters at this totally online conference. Attendees can access the recorded training, on-demand, until November 30, 2013, which allows learning at their own pace and schedule.

In addition, September 18, 19 and 20, 2013 are the main dates for social media-style interaction including meeting voice over product and service reps online in the interactive exhibit halls, and chatting with trainers, colleagues and new friends in virtual Meeting Rooms and Lounges.

There's even a Food Court for home delivery while attendees learn and network online.

For details and registration, please click here, or visit


Training sessions at the conference are arranged by educational tracks: Audiobook Narration, Business and Marketing, Home Studio and Technology, and Voice Acting.

Daley’s presentation offers specific help for radio personalities, and Kaye’s presentation tells how to uncover copy clues for a unique VO delivery.

Other tips and techniques offer instruction for how to:
  • avoid online audition mistakes,
  • narrate children’s audiobooks,
  • develop character voices,
  • nail an animation audition,
  • create a business action plan,
  • work with agents,
  • quote rates,
  • book clients with social media,
  • set up a home studio,
  • choose a microphone, and
  • much more.  
"To be a successful voice over talent, you need to run a train on four tracks: acting and technique, marketing, business skills, and home studio skills," says Kaye.

"Voice Over Virtual is a way to further your skills and fill in the gaps in your education. If you are coming from radio, you need to fill in the holes in what you don’t know. In any profession, you have to be constantly educating yourself,” she adds.  


While the Voice Over Virtual conference has three days of "live” components starting September 18 that incorporate real-time chats between attendees and presenters, exhibitors, agents, casting directors, and other attendees, all training is accessible on demand until the end of November, says John Florian, the event producer and founder of VoiceOverXtra, the voice over industry’s premier online news, education and resource center.

"That means you can customize your learning to suit your own schedule - as long as you have an Internet connection,” says Florian.  

For more information about Voice Over Virtual, please visit

You can also Like the event on Facebook and follow on Twitter.
Farn Dupre is a newcomer to voice acting, following a long career in publishing. She was a founder and the editor-in-chief of New Jersey Family magazine for 20 years. Her love of the written word now extends to the spoken word.


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Comments (1)
Philip Solo
9/17/2013 at 12:32 PM
I spent 12 years or so in the Radio Industry in the UK and now work and consult in the use of virtual worlds for business and education so this is a particularly appealing virtual event to me and another imaginative use of online conferencing for a specialist sector.

Virtual events are reaching out to new sectors all the time and the benefits are really beginning to become apparent to many industries, not the least the cost savings in travel but also the phenomenal networking potential Good Luck with this event. I have shared the details on LinkedIn and other social media.
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