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Stuck In A Boring 'Comfort Zone'?
Dare To Push Your Voice Outside
By Bob Souer
Voice Actor
When I’m really honest with myself, I know that one of my great weaknesses as a voice actor is that I tend to stick pretty close to my comfort zone.
Now, there’s a strong argument in favor of this plan.
After all, the things that I do best are the things I’m most likely to book. And if I don’t work, well, it’s not a pretty picture.
The same is true for you, no matter where you are with your own business. I don’t need to spell out all the details.
But if we stick too close to our comfort zone too much of the time, we start to get - that’s right - comfortable.
You know what another word for comfortable is? At least for those of us who are performers of one kind or another? Boring.
And you know how much work "boring" books? Exactly.
So, a couple of days ago I had one of those moments that jolted me awake to the fact that I must work outside my comfort zone more often.
I’d received an audition from my agents in Portland, In Both Ears. The audition had two male characters - one, a sort of archtypical announcer guy, and the other a fast-talking “disclaimer” guy.
While I can talk quickly enough, I tend to stay away from the disclaimer stuff because, you guessed it, it’s not in my comfort zone.
The announcer thing, while I don’t do a ton of it any more, was familiar. So I sent in an audition for only the announcer guy.
Fortunately for me, the client liked what I sent and asked my agent to have me read for the disclaimer part, as well. 
I say "fortunately" because only three hours after I'd audtioned for that part, too, the agent called to say that I’d booked the job - as the disclaimer guy!
So, what’s it going to be?
  • Stick in the comfort zone all the time and grow more and more boring with each passing month? Or,
  • Step out of the comfort zone and find a way to be interesting again? Maybe even find a way to be more interesting when working in the comfort zone?
Bob Souer has been a voice actor for over 25 years, helping an array of faithful clients tell their “stories” through commercials, narrations, podcasts, e-learning, promos, imaging - you name it. He also posts a highly informative daily blog about voice acting, The VoiceOver Boblog.
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