This amazing annual production of the all-volunteer Children’s Holiday Magic Project organization of voice actors and other artists is currently delivering 5,000 “Care Deer Packs” to nearly 70 hospitals. And it’s funded entirely by donations. If you’d like to help entertain more children in hospitals now, please click the DONATE button at The Holiday Magic CD is “a compilation of music and stories of all faiths and celebrations, donated by talented artists from all over the world, for the kids who must spend their holidays at Children’s Hospitals and their siblings,” explains Jeff Gelder, the project’s founder. The care packs feature a streaming link to the stories and songs plus coloring/activity books – and more as funds allow. EACH YEAR, A NEW ADVENTURE A new adventure of Jeffery the Surfer Care Deer and his pals tie together the stories and songs. This year’s story, “Hope Heals the Hurt!” - written by board member Susanne Romo - follows Jeffery and his friends to a pre-holiday vacation to New York City, where they “discover the magic of the holidays and the true spirit of the season,” Jeff says. In the cast are:
Studio time and production skills were also contributed by Jim Alburger at, David Goldberg at Edge, and Evelyn McCauley at The project “couldn’t have been done without each of their generous contributions of talent and time,” Gelder notes. For more, and to help with all costs, please visit |