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Part 1
SEO For Voice Over Websites ... 
How To Boost Your SEARCH Ranking
By Nikki Saco
Voice Actor & Website Consultant
Our company, Saco Media LLC, designs and manages websites for several South Florida law firms. Part of what we do is increase their visibility on the web.
That's a challenge because Florida has the fourth largest population of attorneys in the country.
Sometimes we get lucky and one of our clients will hold the top spot in a search result for something other than a name search.
Getting somewhere on the first page of search results is a good achievement, and we manage to consistently do that for our clients on specific searches.
As long as you're not greedy, you can accomplish the same thing with your voice over website.
By making some minor changes, you'll increase your voice over site's visibility - and improve your chance of attracting new business - without spending a fortune for search engine optimization (SEO).
This article assumes you have some basic knowledge of web coding, or have a web interface that lets you manage your own website.
If terms like html, css, meta tags or WordPress don't make you glassy-eyed, read on.
One domain does not always equal one website, and it shouldn't.
This is the guiding principle that drives successful and effective SEO:
Treat your whole web site like a collection of several little web sites, or more specifically, landing pages.
This allows you to:
  • focus on a specific feature of your web site, 
  • market a specific service, or
  • highlight a unique selling proposition (USP) on a specific landing page.
Most of us already do this with at least one page: Contact.
The specific feature of that page displays all the ways your site visitors can reach you.
From the outset, treating your website like a collection of landing pages compels you to utilize other best practices for search engine optimization.
It helps you to:
  • Target a specific audience
  • Keep page content shorter, optimally under three paragraphs unless it is an article.
  • Focus, stay on topic, be specific, stick to the point: Grandma's spicy pumpkin soup recipe can be shared on Facebook.
Use keywords in your page content - one to a page is best.
 Many of us have heard that before, but few of us truly understand it, or know how to implement it.
A keyword is more commonly a phrase – specifically, a group of words that make up a search query.
Here are examples of common keywords in our industry:
Keyword: voiceover training
Global Monthly Searches: 480
Used in Title Tag: 663
Keyword: voice over school
Global Monthly Searches: 390
Used in Title Tag: 299
Keyword: voiceover coach
Global Monthly Searches: 260
Used in Title Tag: 6050
Keyword: voiceover coach
Global Monthly Searches: 28
Used in Title Tag: 364
The above shows the number of global monthly searches, averaged over 12 months, in Google as of June, 2010.
It also shows how many websites are optimized for these keywords, in terms of using the exact phrase in the title tag for at least one of their webpages (more on title tags further below in this article).
As you can see, it helps to do a little keyword research.
There are over 6,000 websites out there attempting to optimize their sites for the phrase voice over coach, although the phrase voiceover training is searched nearly twice as often, and has 10 times less competition for optimization.
Clearly, it's a better idea to punch the keyword voiceover training on a web page than voice over coach.
You'll get more mileage from your efforts.
Ideally, you would want to choose keywords that get searched a fair amount of times each month - over 300 is good, over 1,000 is way better.
But also give some attention to keywords that are not well optimized, since those keywords will have less competition.
Then optimize each page of your website for a specific keyword.
For instance, you might want to try optimizing for voiceover training on one page and voice over coach on another page.
If you offer voiceover training and voice coaching for singers, it's even more important that you optimize separate pages for each service, so that you're sure to attract the right talent to the right service.
And of course, if you coach opera singers, you'll want to use keywords that attract a more specialized audience.

Hint: If you get email queries through your web contact form, see if the email includes referrer information at the bottom. Common coding for web contact forms includes this.

  • Referrer information shows the page the email sender was on before he or she reached your contact page.
  • If it was Google or another search engine, the referrer information will generally include the keywords used to find you. Very useful!
Do a search for keyword tools and you'll locate a number of resources, like WordTracker, for creating and testing your own keywords.
Never optimize for something you don't offer both in terms of services and web page content.
Find keywords that fit both what you're offering and what people are searching for. Then make sure you use the keywords prominently in your site content.
Nikki Saco is a voice actor and digital media producer at Saco Media LLC. In addition to her voice over services, the company provides network management, graphic design, IT consulting and web site development to Fort Lauderdale law firms and other Florida businesses. Her business partner is Dr. Diana Saco, a PhD in political science and award-winning author of the book, Cybering Democracy: Public Space and the Internet.
She notes: "In this article, I purposely used industry-related keywords associated with, in this case, VO coaches - instead of keywords directly associated with VO talents - so that VO talents aren't competing with each other for the examples listed in the article. I want to encourage readers to develop and market their own unique terms to suit their own unique voice characteristics and VO services."
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Comments (1)
Paul j. Warwick
10/12/2010 at 12:18 PM
Thanks for the info! Guess I do have some work to do on !!
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