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How To Change Your Vocal Resonance
From A Thin Voice To Rich And Full
Part 2
See Part 1:
Why Your Recorded Voice Sounds Different From What You Hear In Your Head
February 8, 2017

By Ann Utterback
Voice Specialist and Author, Broadcast Voice Handbook

A thin voice is one of the problems my clients contact me about most often. They ask if there is anything that can be done about it. 

I always tell them that it’s one of the toughest problems to fix, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I have heard almost 100% improvement in some clients, but it takes a devoted person who will work diligently to make the change.

Why is it so hard? 

There may be multiple reasons why the person is using a thin voice. Some of them are physiological and some of them may be psychological. 

Consider Marilyn Monroe’s voice. It was thin and childlike for a reason. It made her appear vulnerable and helpless, which fit most of the roles she was given.


Let’s look at the physiological reasons for a thin voice. 

The problems are in the position of the tongue and the openness of the jaw. Both of these contribute to the amount of air that can resonate in the oral cavity. The more air that resonates, the richer and fuller the voice sounds. 

If the tongue is raised high in the mouth, as it usually is in a thin voice, then it takes up more room. 

Likewise, if the jaw is not open (especially at the back), there is less air in that resonating cavity.


Let’s try an exercise to feel the tongue issue. 
  • Say the word "gone” a few times. 
  • Now say the word "good” a few times, trying to keep the tongue in the same position on the vowel sound for both. 
  • Switch between the two words to get the feeling of the tongue in the low position for "gone.” 
This will help you feel the lower tongue position so you can carry it over into other vowels.


For the openness of the jaw, I tell clients to think of an inverted megaphone with the large part in the back of the mouth and the narrow opening in the front. This gives you a nice opening of the jaw. 

To practice this, say "ah” and then any word to follow it. Try to keep the open feeling you get with "ah” as you say the other word.


Both of these exercises are important in beginning to turn a thin voice into a rich, full voice. 

The bummer is that you have to practice every day, and it may take months before you hear a change.

Here’s an added tip that will begin to help immediately: Avoid smiling while talking. Smiling works against the small opening of the mouth and actually makes your voice sound higher pitched. 

And, finally, if you need to sound childlike for a job, try humping up your tongue in your mouth and not opening your jaw very much!
Ann S. Utterback, Ph.D., is a voice specialist with more than 40 years experience and has helped hundreds of people make the most of their voices, working with broadcasters, voice over artists and podcasters around the world. An author of eight books and over 50 articles on voice, her Broadcast Voice Handbook is a classic textbook offering more advice on how to improve your voice over performance.

Click for: Broadcast Voice Handbook


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Comments (4)
John Kuehne
2/28/2017 at 11:47 PM
Interesting point about smiling while talking makes your voice higher pitched. Several coaches have told me to smile more since my baritone voice comes across as too serious. Adding smile raises the tone of my voice and makes me sound friendlier, but with a hint of authority.

Thanks for the article.
Fred Webster
2/16/2017 at 4:45 AM
I would like to get started in voice-over work I think I have a very rare voice for this tablet
George Asteri
2/8/2017 at 10:04 AM
Excellent advice! Although I already have a pretty full voice, having practiced Ann's vocal exercises I could hear and feel immediate results. I look forward to sharing this valuable information with my colleagues and students. Thanks, Ann & John for sharing!
'Uncle Roy' Yokelson
2/8/2017 at 8:47 AM
Wow - great tips, and it all makes great sense. Thank you, Ann and Voice-Over Xtra!
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