VOICE OVER CAREER MO-JOE Friday Videos, Episode 4: Strategic Training, Strategic Planning August 4, 2017
Joe Loesch - popular voice talent, director, producer and voice over coach - delivers MO-JOE Friday videos here on the first and third Fridays of every month. Come back for MO-JOE refills on all aspects of voice acting and succeeding in voice over.
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Comments (2)
Dave Johnston
8/5/2017 at 6:03 PM
Heartland greetings from Iowa. Really enjoyed this video .I was thrilled when Thrivehive popped up on the screen. I am working with someone on the Thrivehive team now. Starting to plan my marketing blitz in the fall. The plan is coming together. Like they say, if you fail to plan,you plan to fail. Appreciate so much what VoiceOverXtra brings to my business.You play a vital role in our success as voice actors.
Gary D Lewis
8/4/2017 at 8:32 AM
Business and marketing plans are most important in any business venture yet a weak area for me. Thanks so much for pointing this out.