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Voice Actors Raise Money For Ukraine Red
Cross With 'Voice For Ukraine' Video
July 22, 2022

By John Florian

The horror in Ukraine tears at our hearts. What can we do?

A hero of resistance and resolve was thrust onto the world stage - a man whose credentials for this role include the unlikely former careers of actor and voice actor. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was the even the voice of fictional bear Paddington in Ukraine!

In March this year - just weeks after Russian tanks smashed into Ukraine - voice actor Elley-Ray Hennessy envisioned how to help: Create Voice for Ukraine.

Recently completed, Voice for Ukraine is a video in which scores of voice actors give voice to the citizens of Ukraine - to their suffering and needs. That's the video you see above, and the point is not only to raise awareness, but also to raise money for the war's victims.

Donations are being accepted through August 1 to support Ukraine citizens through the Ukraine Red Cross. Please click here to donate.


"President Zelensky is a hero on so many levels, and we wanted him to know that the voices of the world are sending a prayer," says Hennessy.

In the voice over community, she adds, "Everyone wanted to jump on board this project. We got folks to meet online on Zoom and gathered all the voices and videos from their home studios."

While in London recently for a workshop, Hennessy purchased a t-shirt in Covent Garden with the hand-painted image (at right) depicting a London-Paddington connection.


Hennessy first approached her VO coaching colleague Deb Munro with the video idea, "and as always, Deb jumped!" Hennessy says.

Based in Canada, the duo coach at Get Mic'd, and are also the creators/producers of the popular Ultimate VO Survivor competitions (which will soon introduce Take3 in collaboration with the 2023 VO Atlanta Voiceover Conference).

"Elley had a vision and woke up to a prayer she wrote," Munro explains. That prayer became the video's script. "Then we gathered voice talent from around the globe - people who wanted to give back, and created the fundraiser. It's 100 percent volunteer."

As a team, Hennessy and Munro gathered photos, reached out to colleagues, collected talent, edited, mixed, produced and created a message with heart.

Voice actor Barry Abrams joined as Video Editor, and VO producer Uncle Roy Yokelson volunteered as Audio Engineer. Also on the team:
  • Livia Lokay, Linguist
  • Alex Konstantinovski, Photographer/Translator
  • David Whitman, Media Relations
  • Jim Lauder, "Tears for Ukraine" Painter
  • Sam Swain, a member of the Get Mic'd team
"With varying quality (of submissions) from home studios it was an arduous task" to produce the video, Hennessy recalls. "We had several incarnations of music and sound effects, and people even donated artwork for the prologue and epilogue!"

But, she adds, "No one was paid, and it was truly a huge labor of love."


The scores of voice actors contributing their voices to the video are:

To the above, add the voice of Melissa Munro.


The campaign has currently raised about $3,000, Munro says, adding "We're grateful for this, but hope to make even more of an impact.

"The voice community is very supportive. And we want to show President Zelensky what an amazing force this collective can be."

The Voice for Ukraine donation campaign ends August 1, so please visit and donate soon:

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