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Star voice talent/trainer/singer Rodney Saulsberry opens VOICE 2014's first day
with a rousing song and jiving backup singers (l-r) Denise Chamberlain,
Alex Apostolidis, Martha Kahn and Penny Abshire. (John Florian photos)

VOICE 2014
VOICE 2014 Entertains, Educates & Enlivens
Voice Actors As Anaheim Convention Opens

August 29, 2014
See also: VOICE 2014 Sends Us Home To Excel In VO; Joan Baker Receives Community Service Award

By John Florian

If you want to start a voice over career .. if you want to recharge it ... if you simply want to take a well-deserved break from the booth and have fun with friends ... get to a VOICE convention.

Nearly 400 voice actors are doing that now at the fifth Voice Over International Creative Experience - or VOICE 2014 - in Anaheim, CA. It began Wednesday night (Aug. 27) with an exuberant Red Carpet Reception and then packed Thursday with a full day of education, networking, exhibit hall shopping, and entertainment.

"Look ... is that Ed Asner?" Yes, indeed! Star voice talent/trainer Pat Fraley (pictured) brought his famous actor neighbor to the reception.

And the next morning, Fraley led Asner and others in entertaining and memorable voice acting lessons and demonstrations (photo below, l-r: Fraley, Asner, and voice talents Karin Allers and Michael Miro).

Star voice talent/trainer/singer Rodney Saulsberry rocked the convention's open Thursday morning with a song and incomparable backup singers (top photo).

The day ended in a hilarious demonstration of hypnosis - on very courageous voice talents - by top Las Vegas headliner Marshall Sylver (photo).

And throughout Thursday, educational sessions and panel discussions on all facets of voice acting, voice over business and personal studio - plus VO products and services in the exhibit hall - kept notebooks and minds open.

Voice 2014 producers James Alburger and Penny Abshire and their team have truly created a "Better Than Ever" event, which continues Friday and Saturday at the Hilton Anaheim (check if a Day Pass is still available).


Friends met and friends were made at the Wednesday night Red Carpet Reception, where the VoiceOverXtra camera caught these smiles ...

Curt Byk, Judy Fossum, Rob Sciglimpaglia, Jeff Gelder

Amber Aviles, Deborah Roper Sayson, Jonathan Tilley, Laurel Thomas

John Florian, Denise Chamberlain, Rodney Saulsberry

Pearl Hewitt, Randi Trochtenberg, Scott Trochtenberg

Susan Bernard, Erica Risberg, Christi Bowen

David Flesh, Mary Lou Flesh, Beverly Bremers

George Whittam, Scott Brick

Alex Quinn, Molly Miller, Chuck Davis

John Florian, Walter Olson, Joe Loesch

Diana Birdsall, Jonathan Tilley, Cynthia Small

Pierre Charmasson,
James Alburger

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Comments (2)
Greg Hilton
8/30/2014 at 3:02 PM
What a great looking (and sounding) group at the beautiful Hilton Anaheim.
Elizabeth Holmes
8/29/2014 at 12:17 PM
Thank you John, for publishing these marvelous photos and keeping those of us who are unable to attend informed about all the fun and informative events at VOICE 2014!
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