MARKETING Back To School ... Halloween ... Christmas ... Is Your Voice Over Business Ready? August 9, 2013 ![]() Voice Actor I realize that it’s still the middle of summer. But now IS the time to think of three upcoming events - Back to School, Halloween and Christmas. In the retail world these events share one common denominator. Sales. Businesses will do almost anything to get people through the door to spend money on pencils, backpacks, new wardrobes, candy and gifts. And what does this mean for your voice over business?
When you actually sit down and consider all the different ways that Back to School, Halloween and Christmas can impact a business, you’ll be able to make a rather lengthy list of all the ways it’s going to impact each of your clients. As you ask the questions, make notes about how you can meet a need for each of your clients and start thinking about ways to effectively market your solution to them. You might even think about it before they do! NEVER TOO SOON ... Back to School is this month. Halloween is two months away and retailers will be stocking their products before you know it. Christmas is only a few months down the road, and we all know the holiday season starts earlier and earlier each year! Asking yourself the right questions now, coming up with solutions to meet the needs of your clients, and getting your personalized marketing of those solutions to those clients in a timely fashion could mean the difference between black or red ink for your voice over business as each event approaches! QUESTION: Do you do special marketing blitzes for holidays? Let us know in the COMMENTS below. ------------------ ABOUT MARC Marc Scott has been involved in broadcasting and voice over since 1995, including work in radio and television, and hosting the number 1-rated Afternoon Drive show in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. "When I’m not recording my latest voice over job you can likely find me at the fire hall: I’ve been a volunteer firefighter since 2000, or playing with power tools." Email: Web: |
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Comments (1)
Heather Costa
8/9/2013 at 7:09 AM
Great article, Marc! I agree, it's important to start thinking about your fall marketing NOW. I always reach out to my clients who would benefit from my services for those 3 major events - and I start planning for it in early August so my game plan is in place. I do send some sort of holiday promotional (useful) item with my branding on it, to my VO clients @ holiday time as a 'thank you.' It's always good to stop and appreciate them and in turn, keeping yourself on their radar ;)
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