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ACX and Audible Seek Narrator
For 'Ape - How To Publish A Book'
July 25, 2013

(VOXtra) - The Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) and Audible Studios announce an open casting opportunity - a search for "a dynamic narrator to perform Guy Kawasaki’s inspiring and comprehensive guide to self publishing, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur."

Submission deadline is Monday, July 29, 2013 at 5 pm ET.

Here's the announcement from ACX:
All actors are invited to participate by recording their read of the audition script and uploading it to ACX.

Audible Studios and Mr. Kawasaki will select the winning audition and Audible will produce the audiobook immediately upon announcing the chosen actor.

Guy Kawasaki is the author of eleven other books, including The Art of the Start and Enchantment, and is the co-founder of, an "online magazine rack” of popular topics on the web.

"I’m happy to be creating an opportunity to encourage entrepreneurial actors. I’m continually amazed at how many great actors are embracing this burgeoning art form and I can’t wait to listen to all the auditions that come in,” Kawasaki says.

The audition text for APE can be found at

In order to upload an audition you’ll simply need to create an ACX account. Auditions are open Monday July 22 – Monday July 29 at 5:00PM ET.

After submitting your read of APE, browse our 2,900 + additional titles and find your next audiobook gig. 
Good luck! And for more info about ACX, you can visit:

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Comments (1)
Mary Laflamme
7/25/2013 at 6:39 PM
I am new at the VOICE OVER industry. After losing a son almost 8 years ago and coming out of a difficult time I am taking a big step and starting something I have wanted to try forever as my friends have always told me to go this voice over route. I LOVE your website!! I am so impressed with all that you provide and thank you so very very much for doing this. My demo will be out soon. YIPEEEE!!!

Mary Laflamme
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