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Things To Make Sure A Voice-Over Producer
Or Director Never Hears During A Session
July 19, 2018

By Christian Rosselli
Voice Actor

One should expect a certain etiquette from talent during a recording session. The type of pro styling that comes when we do our jobs carefully, thoughtfully - purposefully.

Gone are times when "Ernie Anderson-esque" outbursts were acceptable in a workplace environment - though it's hard to understand how they ever were.

Vanishing quickly too is the notion that a "great" actor requires the space to be rude, inconsiderate, or higher maintenance than those around him or her. To be truly "great" requires an ability to work well with a creative team, take direction quickly and without feather ruffling.

So with this in mind, I'm working on my own Inner Diva Checklist, starting with: Things to make sure a producer or director never hears during a session.

1. My too-actual personal life: "Last night I got so hammered..."

2. Complaints about the script: "Did they have spell check? Basic typing skills?"

3. Refusing direction: "No, I'm not doing another take for safety. If you don't have it by now..."

4. The Backout: "Look, maybe you need someone else." ie., I suck. Get someone else. Also, "This doesn't seem to be working."

5. Premature demands prior to recording: "Can I get a copy of the spot once it airs? I need it for my website..."

And yes, things that appear to be self-explanatory upon reflection are all things I have done.

We live, learn, and try to get as much growth out of ourselves as possible. What I know is that, as a voice talent in a booth, working with incredible creative teams, it helps to check that inner diva at the door.
Christian Rosselli is a New York City-based voice-over talent who voices national campaigns across the internet, TV and radio. He also specializes in corporate narration, explainer videos, promos, radio imaging and award show-live announcing.  He has worked with a wide variety of companies including AT&T, Bic, Boeing, CA Technologies, Geico, Purina, TIAA, Staples, United Healthcare and many more. He is also an avid photographer, coffee drinker, and vinyl collector.  

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Comments (7)
Mark Thomas
7/31/2018 at 9:05 AM
Also - don't apologise if you make a mistake. It happens. Stop, and pickup.
Paul Garner
7/24/2018 at 11:18 PM
Great points, Christian! Treat others the way we want to be treated.
Kristin Morris
7/23/2018 at 1:01 PM
OMG yes. This. I only wish someone had sat me down in my 20s, fresh out of music school, or DURING those college years, and made it abundantly clear to me how absolutely UNCOOL, WRONG and PERILOUS those statements and diva attitudes would be in the professional environment. I got my hand slapped a couple times in college, but all too lightly, and got away with murder in high school due to talent. In the professional world I saw career opportunities pass me by many times due to my unprofessional behavior. At 58 I'm teaching young talent to learn from my mistakes!!
Nyoka Brooks
7/20/2018 at 2:49 PM
These are great reminders, Christian! They've chosen us to work with and trusting we're professional at our task! Like you, I have also made some of those same mistakes. I mean really, who hasn't, right?

Personally, I'm grateful for any and all work that comes my way. I believe that having a grateful heart, comes out in your work!!

Thanks again, Christian!!
Mike Harrison
7/20/2018 at 11:18 AM
Great reminders, Christian. Thanks!

A note about Ernie Anderson, though: while I'm not defending his outbursts, Ernie was on-staff at ABC TV. Doing their promo reads was his full-time job; he was always there, doing the same thing over and over (he might've said, "Same sh*t, different day."). Just like the rest of us, things that make a full-time job more tedious than need-be made him a little irritated. We get jaded and cynical. It happened to me in several of my full-time positions.

But, getting back to your points, independent contractors need to leave all baggage at home and approach every job with professionalism.
7/19/2018 at 6:14 PM
Great points! And also, how about:
- Be on time (a little early even) and ready to work.
- If unavoidably late, call ahead to let the team know.
- Be polite and respectful to everyone, no matter their position.
- Liberally use please and thank you.
In other words, be a Mentch! (
Bill Nevitt
7/19/2018 at 10:05 AM
Right on the mark, Christian! Courtesy counts!
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