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Pat Sweeney: 'Positively Impacted More
People Than He May Have Ever Realized'
December 27, 2018

Note: As the voice-over community mourns the passing of Pat Sweeney, we reprint with permission yesterday's blog by one of Pat's many friends, Peter K. O'Connell ...

By Peter K. O'Connell
Voice Actor

Oh Canada. You've lost a great one.

In the 8+ years that I have been friends with Pat Sweeney, he had become one of those rare fellows of whom I only heard positive, kind words said.

Marking his passing from cancer yesterday morning, those kind words are being reiterated and certainly shouted from the roof tops. As they should.

Family was first and foremost to Pat, as he would often speak of his wife and sons. They were his everything.

But second, I think, was his love of the voice-over industry and of the community that Patrick Sweeney helped foster in Toronto and pretty much everywhere else he went.

Before I moved to Raleigh, NC, I lived most of my life in Buffalo, NY, nearby to Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where Pat and his family live.

My affinity for Canada is well known (my Grandmother was born there and I spent my summers in Fort Erie, Ontario for decades). So I was especially happy to hear many years ago that a pair of my voice-over friends had gotten together in Toronto to create a local Voiceover Meetup Group called VO in TO.

One of the group's founders was female voice talent Jodi Krangle. The other (and to hear Jodi tell it, a driving force behind the group) was Pat Sweeney.

To watch Pat navigate the room at a VO in TO meetup was a thing of beauty.

If you didn't know Pat before you walked through the door, you would know him by the time you left. And he would introduce you to one or two other people there whom he thought you should know, so you could have someone to say hi to at the next meeting.

Pat was a wonderful community builder.

Another voice-over group where we shared many happy times together was at an annual event called FaffCon. This is a wonderful group of talents from all over the world who would come together to share best practices in a very inclusive and welcoming format. It was an event tailor made for Pat, who certainly learned a great deal from his fellow voice talents, but possibly shared even more, especially in one on one conversations.

Pat's supportive and encouraging spirit, attitude and actions positively impacted more people than he may have ever realized.

All of this ignores when Pat and I would chat about his visits to Buffalo or mine to TO. Or when we worked together as part of a voice-over marketing collective called MVO: The Voice-Over Guys. Or when he would commiserate with me on the phone about my (usually losing) Buffalo sports teams.

You always left a conversation with Pat feeling better.

All of this kindness and help from Pat made it so challenging for us (his VO pals) when Pat got sick and we couldn't help the guy who had always helped us.

There wasn't much we could do but support and pray for Pat and his family. Hard as we'd pray, it never felt like enough of a repayment for a gentleman who so positively impacted so many people.

We are deeply sorry for his family's loss but are grateful for their many family memories and for Pat's final peace.

Me? I'm selfish. I will miss my friend.

Eternal rest grant to your servant Patrick, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

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Comments (7)
Darla Middlebrook
12/29/2018 at 10:43 PM
Patrick was one of the pros who believed in me right from the start. I will miss you Patrick. Thanks for the encouragement.
Bev Standing
12/28/2018 at 11:03 AM
Peter, so beautifully said. You're right - the VO community is shouting from the top of mountains about what a great guy Pat was. His memory will forever be a shining light. Thank for your writing your blog and sharing this with the world.

I for one will continue to "Pat others on the back" and try to be as encouraging and kind as Patrick Sweeney, may he rest in peace.
Dan Lenard
12/27/2018 at 8:30 PM
Amen indeed!

I will so miss my dear friend. What's been great to hear is how he had special relationships with everyone. He made everyone feel special. It was so hard watching him decline. A powerhouse of a man who would push you with the greatest of love and respect. They'll never be another person like Pat Sweeney, but he left us an example of how we should all be. I know I'm a better person because of him. To lose him so young is a tragedy. To have been his friend was a blessing. He will always be with me and all of us. You just can't forget a guy like that. Here's to you Pat!
Debbie Irwin
12/27/2018 at 8:15 PM
The news of Pat's passing is both shocking and sad, even though I knew he was ill.
I feel a hole in my heart and will miss him as I know many, many others will too.
He was kind, warm, generous, funny and very very talented. Much love to his family in these hard times.
12/27/2018 at 5:48 PM
What a shock to learn of Pat's death.
We hadn't talked for a while so I didn't even know he was sick.

Pat to me meant everything good I could imagine in a Canadian man.
Such a sweet, lovable, entertaining guy. We talked in long spurts at VO conferences but I regret that we never sat down for "that beer" we always talked about.

Rest in peace, Pat. God bless your family.
And thank you, Peter, for making us aware.
Paul Payton
12/27/2018 at 4:44 PM
I only had a few times at Faffcon, but there wasn't a nicer, more knowledgeable, and more easy-going person than him. And that voice! I am shocked and saddened to get this news, but there is no one better to write this article then Peter O'Connell. Thank you for letting us know. I will send a prayer and the best thoughts to his family and to all of us who knew Pat, even briefly. Go in peace.
David Brower
12/27/2018 at 1:49 PM
Beautifully said...I still remember getting a "Pat on the back" from him years ago. RIP
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