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New Voice Over Poll: What's The Lowest
Pay You Will Accept For A Voice Over Job?

May 12, 2017

(VOXtra) - Would you like to know more about how your voice over colleagues think and what they do in their careers?

is resuming its periodic snap-shot polls of the voice over community with this current question:

Under normal circumstances (not charity, etc.),
what is the approximately LOWEST $$
you will accept for a single voice over job?

The poll gives you a range of pay options.

Note: We realize that this question doesn't allow for special circumstances (discounts for new or returning customers ... differences in VO genres ... quick jobs ...) and comments about that are below.

Still, if you're curious about this topic and want to participate, please answer anonymously - and we'll share the results next week in a news article at and in VO social media groups. If you would like to add perspective to your answer, please email it to:

We'll also compare the results with answers to the same question we asked in 2013.

Interesting? We'll see!

You can take the poll at
Return to the home page now
and scroll down the RIGHT COLUMN to the RED POLL BOX


VoiceOverXtra announced this poll question several days ago and received some concern that the question does not allow reasons for the lowest pay:
"You should clarify on this. What type of job? Is it for a 30-second spot? TV or radio? A phone message or IVR prompt? The question is too broad. I have done 3-5 second tags for local radio stations pretty cheap."

"Impossible to get any relevant data from this poll. I will work on telephony projects for regular clients for very little, but checking a box will not tell you that."

"Interesting question, but without the size of the project?"
Well, we agree, but this question is a start. Follow-up polls can help to fill in those blanks.

And speaking of follow-ups, what questions would you like us to ask? Please send your thoughts to, subject: POLL.

Thanks for participating!

PS: If you are not already receiving email news alerts about new VoiceOverXtra articles, please click here to ensure you receive the report about this poll next week.

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