CERTIFICATION New Association World-Voices Launches To Set Standards For VO Quality & Skill April 26, 2012 ![]() World-Voices also announces it will:
"It was time to create a certification organization for the members, run by the members and existing to serve only the members," notes founding President Dustin Ebaugh. Ebaugh and six other veteran voice actors are founding members. The six are:
"Advancing technological changes in digital audio recording, and the ability to produce that audio in a home-based setting, is prompting rapid growth to the voice over business," the group notes in a press release. "All of us organizing members have well-worn experience in another group that failed to value the deep well of member resources," says Courvoisier. "We plan to use that strength in collaboration, and we’re excited about helping others.” Lenard, who is also a well-known home studio consultant, adds: "The home-based voice over industry has grown exponentially in the last five years. And it's not just commercials on radio and TV. Business use of the Internet for advertising and promotion via their websites, a changing audiobook publishing industry, and the rapidly expanding use of computer e-Learning material via the Internet also has created a demand for talented voice artists. 'Voice artists who can cost-effectively create the audio at home for this are in great demand,” Lenard says. For more and to contact the organization: Web: www.world-voices.org Email: info@world-voices.org |
But then I think about the camaraderie of any profession (like actors voting on prizes for each others work) and it seems like an excuse to party. Not a bad thing. So, I agreed with the outrage of John Grove. Then I read Elizabeth Holmes' thoughtful comment and the egg hatched for me: the "Peer-Review" thing!
With so many "wannabe's" clogging the job search, doesn't it make sense to fight back and give accreditation to a certain level of professionalism and weed out the pretenders who would take our work?
Don't know the answer; let's just hope all proceeds in orderly fashion. After all, the leaders of the new group are all pro's who likely bolted SAVOA for a reason; let's give them a chance to do it right and hopefully become the "industry standard".
If they don't do it...well, you don't HAVE to join.
I spent many years in the billiard community with working pros, and I saw this same dynamic in play time and again. The big difference there was that the players were all gamblers, out to manipulate each other any way they could, so their accusations of self-serving motives were usually accurate!
Yes, it's true that individuals who consistently produce a high-quality product "don't need no stinkin' badges." Their work speaks for itself. But what about those who don't? Well, it's helpful to voice-seekers to know whether or not talent has passed peer-review.
There's a tremendous amount of goodwill in the voice community. Let's build on that. The point is to raise the bar. Standards boards can help.
There was nothing really social about SaVoa either. The members really had no input. But enough about that group.
As far as World-Voices.org, it will be nothing like any previous group. It will be member driven, controlled and focused. WoVO will provide mentoring, member services, job leads, many things. It's up to the members to make it what they want. They have all the power. Many of them will be non-union folks, so it may be their first exposure to a guild.
What benefits would you like to see?
In fact - the folks I know that are "Savoa Accredited" told me it was more of a social media thing and not a real organization that had any plans to accomplish anything. They considered it akin to listing "ISDN" on your LinkedIn page and could not point to anything Savoa had ever "done" for them or anyone.
Perhaps these folks were the wrong people to ask about it, but they were the only Savoa members I'd ever met in the VO world. I apologize for basing my comments on incorrect info.
So, I'll ask you:
What is it exactly that "World-Voices" (not to be confused with the well known vocal group) is going to do or provide that is so different from SAVOA? Or that is not covered by Sag-Aftra? Besides Vanity, of course?
Why should any professional working VO artist with a home studio consider a membership in what is essentially the "2nd iteration of Savoa"?
What possible benefit could there be?
Again, do we NEED another vanity club?
Especially since it seems Savoa isn't shutting down, and there will now be competing Voice Over "accreditation" groups?
Think about it - how will either group be trusted or relied upon?
As far as your assessment of the entrance to SaVoa, I must respectfully disagree. Having served as chair of the membership committee for three years, I can tell you that less than a third of applicants even passed vetting and moved on to peer and technical review. Of those that did get past vetting, maybe 60% passed peer and technical review. That hardly makes for a club one can buy into.
We are familiar with non-profit organizations. The members of our board serve on the boards of no less than 10 other non-profits. We're just starting. That's a given, but we'll get there. Input and direction from the membership will be the guiding force for WoVO.
Rick, we'd love to have you be a part, and counsel us. As I said, we need all the input and assistance we can get. None of us is trying to do this alone.
and, do we really need another boys club?
Savoa was a joke, it served NO real purpose. None. It was a made up merit badge that anyone with the money could wear and put on their resume.
Does the VO world REALLY NEED another "elite club" made up entirely of those who can buy their way in?
For what purpose?
And, a quick tip: non-profit organization approval takes a loooong time, and you need to be an operating organization for a set period of time prior to even be considered...so i don't understand filing before actually being in existence.
but Good Luck, i guess.
I’m patiently waiting for further word on the group and offer my assistance if needed.
Dave, thanks again for keeping us informed!