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Voice Actors Create PSA Helping
Victims Of Philippines Massive Storm
December 26, 2011

(VOXtra) - The recent tropical storm killing hundreds in the Philippines drew quick response from voice talents worldwide who contributed their voices to a PSA organized and assembled by voice actor Pocholo Gonzales (pictured), CEO and Chairman of CreatiVoices Productions, a major voice over production company and talent pool based in the Philippines.

Brought together by the Let's Talk About the Philippines Facebook Group, the PSA urges us all to contribute to the Red Cross in that nation to help people who "are struggling to survive."

Below is the PSA, followed by the PSA's text and its voices ...


While many of us are happy and excited about what we consider the most wonderful time of the year, loneliness and grief fill some parts of the Philippines.

This is after tropical storm Sendong devastated Mindanao, particularly in Iligan City, Cagayan de Oro City, and Bukidnon on December 17, leaving hundreds of people dead, many people missing, and a large number of families homeless.

Victims of the typhoon include people belonging to poor families and innocent children whose lives were taken in just a snap.

As we are home celebrating the holiday season, many of our brothers and sisters in Mindanao are currently grieving over their lost and missing loved ones.

These stricken families are left puzzled on how to start their lives all over again after the disaster. Their children, on the other hand, wonder if they will still be able to celebrate after what happened.

Unlike us who enjoy the fun and happiness brought by the season, our brothers and sisters in Mindanao are struggling to survive.

What they need is help more than anything else. Let us help our brothers and sisters in Mindanao, Philippines.

Visit and help people in need.


Voices heard in the PSA are:
  • Andy Boyns
  • Arthur Maxx
  • Robert Churchfield Jr.
  • Mike Tanner
  • Jenn Wong
  • Sanjo Ogunseye
  • Rick Lance
  • Herb Merriweather
  • Seth Niimi
  • Scott 'Scooter' Fortney
  • Dave DeAndrea
  • Mehmet Onur
To contact Pocholo Gonzales:


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