VOICEOVERXTRA See Something New? VoiceOverXtra Has New Face, Features And Navigation March 22, 2012 ![]() VoiceOverXtra (VOXtra) Looking for VoiceOverXtra? Well - you're here. We just look different today. At about 4:30 p.m. Eastern, I emailed Ray and Brian at Quasar Enterprises, my web developer and host: "Ready to launch!" And many months of ideas, designs, tweaking and linking entered computer screens worldwide. This brought memories of the July day in 2007 when I told them to "Flip the switch" (which is how much I knew about websites then), and VoiceOverXtra itself was born. Now nearly five years later, the big challenge with a redesign was to consolidate all those years of how-to features, news, directories, and more into pages that you will find graphically pleasing and easy to navigate to quickly find what you want. Did we succeed? NAVIGATION AID Actually, what you see here now is a repackaging of what up to 500 people per weekday visit VoiceOverXtra to find - how-to info for succeeding in voice over. And we share this info in many ways. Take a quick tour with me ... On the gray and red menu bars above, you see links to popular pages like our:
As with anything new, there may be a bug or two lurking in these links. I'll stomp 'em as we go along - but will also appreciate a note from you if you catch any in your exploration of these hundreds of articles and departments. And please feel free to comment below (or privately, to info@VoiceOverXtra.com) about this new look. Believe me: I greatly value your ever-lasting friendship and help over the years, and feel honored to continue serving you. To Your Success! John |
SO happy to be on board
The site looks fantastic. You've worked very hard to offer us a site that benefits us all - on behalf of all of us - THANK YOU for your hard work!
You're the best my friend
Deb Munro
Thanks for all the work you put into this. It makes your site even more inviting and is far easier to navigate. Wonderful!
Warm regards,
Two words: "spot on"
Thanks for your very appreciated daily contribution via VoiceoverXta greatly benefiting voice actors everywhere.
You did good, John!