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MCA-I, A Video Producers' Trade Group,
Fades To Black As Membership Declines

August 24, 2016

(VOXtra) - If you've been in the voice over biz a while, you likely know about the MCA-I - or Media Communications Association - International (formerly the ITVA), a trade organization for video producers. Many voice talents joined its local chapters to network with producers and work with them on projects.

Yet earlier this month, MCA-I's Board of Directors voted to dissolve the 47-year old association, citing "many years of declining membership and sponsorship dollars." However, several strong chapters are expected to reform independently

Below are details from MCA-I about the decision to fade to black - and about the new independent groups you can join now.

MCA-I was founded as the National Industrial Television Association (NITA) in 1970. Renamed the IITVA (International Industrial Television Association) in 1973, and then shortened to the ITVA (International Television Association) in 1978.

It assumed its current name in 2001 to reflect the growing diversity of its membership, a result of the expansion and convergence of communications technologies in the previous decade.  

However, the turn of the century brought a changing business climate that shut down many in-house video departments, forcing hundreds of members to become independent.

Membership dues were now coming out of reduced incomes, causing a dramatic decrease in renewals. Simultaneously, the Internet began to create other opportunities for people entering the profession to seek technical support and business advice.  

This is not unique to MCA-I, as many professional associations are seeing the same decline in memberships.

In the case of MCA-I, several of the remaining active MCA-I chapters will transition to independent status. 

The website will be shut down at the end of August 2016.  Renewals and new memberships will no longer be available to process via the website effective immediately.  

The stronger chapters plan to continue on as independent organizations. If you are interested in continuing to support face-to-face networking a professional development, please contact these chapters - Atlanta, Orange County/Los Angeles, San Diego, New Jersey, Madison, Central Carolina and St. Louis.

Until the end of August 2016, you will find their contact information on the MCA-I website.  

The MCA-I Board of Directors is regretful that this action had to be taken. ITVA/MCA-I has a long and rich history, bringing together many people to build businesses and nurture new media communications professionals, forging lifetime friendships in the process.
Bye, bye, MCA-I. But best wishes to the continuing independent chapters in carrying on educational projects - and networking!

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Comments (2)
Paul Payton
8/24/2016 at 9:37 PM
MCA-I NJ is a successful and growing group that will be continuing as CineTech Media Professionals. Please join our free e-mail list, no matter where you live. For now, we're still at Scroll down, enroll and join the fun and learning which is already in progress. More to come - truly!
Dave Courvoisier
8/24/2016 at 7:40 PM
This is sad news, indeed, and caught more than a few members by surprise. I must say -- as the President of World-Voices Organization (WoVO) -- we're hoping to better understand the forces that prompted the MCAI - decline...something we'd like to avoid.

WoVO would like to extend an invitation to any MCA-I members. We're not perfect either, but our ranks are growing, and as the only industry trade association for voice actors, you can become an Industry Partner.

Thanks for this notice, John.

Dave Courvoisier
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