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Full-Time Voice Actors Say They're
Earning More Now; Part-Timers Mixed

October 22, 2015

(VOXtra) - There's no lack of talk about where voice over pay is headed. Many contend that technology and online casting - especially the lowball pay sites - are driving down fees.

So you might expect annual income from voice overs to be dropping, too. Yet that's not the case for more than half of the respondents to a recent VoiceOverXtra poll about VO pay.

The poll (initiated on October 15 and still open - see the RED POLL box at the bottom right of the home page) asked:
If you've been a voice actor for at least two years ... in the past 12 months, have you earned MORE money as a voice actor than in the previous 12 months?
The poll differentiates between full-time and part-time voice actors. And as of today, 104 people have responded.


Overwhelmingly, full-time voice actors report YES, they have earned more in the past 12 months than in the previous 12-month period.

Meanwhile, fewer part-timers have participated the poll, and their YES / NO answers are about even.

Specifically, full-time voice actors report:
  • YES, 65% of the polls' respondents
  • NO, 13%
  • NO CHANGE, 6%
And part-timers report:
  • NO, 9% of the polls' respondents
  • YES, 7%
  • NO CHANGE, 1%
Interestingly, these results are quite similar to what was learned when the same question was asked in earlier years:
  • In June 2013, 56% of the respondents were full-time VOs earning more than in the previous year. And,
  • In October 2012, that number was 58%.

It's tempting to guess what's happening (and our next poll question will probe this).

But if we were to guess at why the full-time VOs are earning more today, despite a trend toward lower fees, it would be that persistence and developing client relationships helps to maintain value and fees. And there's no doubt that extra hours in the booth also boosts quantity, which boosts income.

What do YOU think? And if you've yet to participate in the poll, please jump to the RED POLL box at the bottom right of the home page.

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Comments (1)
10/22/2015 at 3:42 PM
As a full-time voice actor who has enjoyed a year-over-year modest yet steady increase in both repeat ("keeping") and incremental ("new") business, I will lend this:

I participate in workshops, upgrade equipment, listen to those who have been doing this for a living (not "hobby-ing"), and stay close to those who take pleasure in the success of others. Above all, I do not expect guarantees, shortcuts nor overnight success.

This is work, it's what I do and I love it to no end.

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