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The National Association Of Voice Actors (NAVA) Launches - Benefits Include Health Insurance
November 16, 2022

(VOXtra) - The National Association of Voice Actors (NAVA), a new non-profit association for voice actors, opened the door to membership this week touting numerous member benefits including the availability of four health insurance options starting in 2023.

"We're excited about all that NAVA will do for the voice acting community," says well-known voice actor and NAVA President Tim Friedlander. "We'd been working on providing access to health insurance plans to professional voice actors for almost two years, and it's amazing to see it finally coming to fruition."

In announcing its launch, NAVA explains that the association was "created to advocate and promote the advancement of the voice acting industry through action, education, inclusion and benefits."


In addition to health insurance options, those benefits include:
  • Access to exclusive classes and events,
  • A "Pathways Initiative" to guide voice actors through the different stages of their career, including education on union and non-union opportunities,
  • Financial assistance,
  • Support and promotion of comprehensive representation and inclusion in voice over, and
  • Resources and education on emerging technology, AI and synthetic voice production.
Applications will be reviewed and "membership will be offered to those who meet qualifications," says NAVA. The cost of membership is $120 per year.


Though the association is new, its officers and Advisory Board members are seasoned veterans of the voice over industry.

The officers and initial board members are:
  • Founder/President: Tim Friedlander
  • Co-Founder/Vice President: Carin Gilfry
  • Treasurer: Toni Senatore
  • Secretary, Michéle Haines
And the Advisory Board's 15 members are among a "who's who" of the voice over industry, including Dave Fennoy, David Toback, Jamie Muffett, Jay Preston and Maria Pendolino.

For more about NAVA and how to join, visit

Next: VoiceOverXtra interviews NAVA President Tim Friedlander on "why NAVA," association plans and more.

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Comments (2)
Lynne Darlington
11/21/2022 at 1:10 PM
This is fantastic news!

Didn't know this was coming, you all kept this close to the vest. Thank you for all of your countless hours getting this off the ground.
Dan Hurst
11/17/2022 at 11:33 AM

Congratulations to you guys for all your hard work in putting this together!

And congratulations to the voiceover world for this unique opportunity!
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