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See & Congratulate Nominees For
The SOVAS 2024 Voice
Arts® Awards

October 27, 2024

(VOXtra) - The Society of Voice Arts And Sciences (SOVAS) has announced nominees in more than 100 international categories for its prestigious 2024 Voice Arts® Awards competition honoring voice actors and associated craft professionals.

Vying for a top honor of "Outstanding Body of Work - Best Voice Actor" are nominees Keaver Brenai, Danny Fehsenfeld, Simon Kennedy, Nicholas Maddern, Thembisa Mshaka and Cecelia Ramsdale.

And nominees for "Outstanding Body of Work - International - Best Voice Actor" are Serge De Marre, Joe Hage, Estelle Hubert, Chilu Lemba, Tamara Linke and Francisco Paz.

Winners will be announced and celebrated at the Voice Arts Award Gala 2024 on Sunday, December 8 at the Beverly Hilton International Ballroom, in Beverly Hills, CA (tickets).

Among additional awards at the Gala, SOVAS will honor legendary voice actor and promo king Joe Cipriano (pictured) with the 2024 Voice Arts Lifetime Achievement Award. SOVAS notes that Cipriano's iconic voice "has practically become a part of TV's DNA," and that as a founding member of the SAG-AFTRA Foundation's Don LaFontaine Voiceover Lab, "he mentors the next generation of voice talent, shaping the future of the industry he's helped define."

Now in its 11 year, the Voice Arts Awards continues its expansion of honoring voice actors internationally, including African, Arabic, English, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish voices.

"I am astonished by the quality of the work and the prestige of the projects" from this year's nominees, says SOVAS Chairman and CEO Rudy Gaskins.

"Certainly, the nominees have much to be proud of," he says. "But what truly stands out to me is that the entire voiceover community can take pride in the significant role we play in bringing our voices to the world - whether through voice acting, casting, writing, engineering, agenting, directing, or producing." 

Congratulations to all!

Click here to see all 2024 Voice Arts Awards nominees.

And to learn more about SOVAS and its programs, visit


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Comments (2)
Remi Olutimayin
12/30/2024 at 11:16 PM
Thank you for the quote from Rudy Gaskins.

I see it as a direct acknowledgment of the emerging of talents.

The African talent category had been expanded to include Animation in 2023 and later Audiobook narration this year (2024). I was the first winner for both awards. Each win restored my confidence in putting in the work for it to defend its place among the best in the world.

There's nothing quite like the SOVAS Voice Arts Awards when it comes to recognizing global cultural diversity.

Thanks to the dedication to a global scope by the SOVAS team to recognizing quality, there's a great weight of significance to being honored by the recognition of international peers.

Thank you
Matt Simmons
10/29/2024 at 10:23 AM
Beautiful knowledge of industry & talents to study. Thank you for all your equity of experience shared. ❤️🤝🎬✍️
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