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VOICE 2014
VOICE 2014 Convention Returns To Disneyland
In August - New Hotel, 'More Powerful Sessions'

October 7, 2014

(VOXtra) - VOICE 2014 - next year's edition of the popular VoiceOver International Creative Experience conventions - returns to Disneyland in Anaheim, CA in late August 2014, the producers have announced.

This fifth edition of the huge gathering of voice talents converges on the Anaheim Hilton (a different hotel from VOICE 2012) with a Red Carpet Reception on Wednesday, August 27 to closing ceremonies on Saturday, August 30, 2014.

"The energy is electric and the experience is life changing," say co-producers James Alburger and Penny Abshire, of the event that brings many hundreds of voice actors to enjoy programs and seminars taught by top voice over coaches and talent, plus networking events, an exhibit hall, networking with colleagues, and evening programs including the dressy VOICE Banquet.

"We're going back to our roots to make VOICE 2014 better than before," the producers add. "We're planning more powerful general sessions, higher quality break-out sessions and evening programs that you won't want to miss."

Registration includes:
  • downloadable recordings of most VOICE 2014 seminars and programs,
  • free admission to the VOICE Garden Party and Networking Event, and
  • deeply discounted room rates at the Anaheim Hilton
Earlybird registration will open soon. Attendees of the current online Voice Over Virtual conference will receive a $50 discount to VOICE 2014.

Event details are coming soon to The producers may also be contacted at

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