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How to match your voice to dialouge on film will be taught at Pat Fraley's Voice Match Masters Event.
Are You A Match For Voice Match/ADR
Niche? Learn At Masters Event, Sept. 26
Aug. 29, 2009
Voice match and replacement ... ADR ... Looping ... what's all that?
In a nutshell, it's post-production film work, and a potentially lucrative niche for voice actors.
ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement or Additional Dialogue Recording) is the process of re-recording the original dialogue after filming. For instance, suppose Al Pacino isn't available to re-record a word or two? Call a voice actor.
Looping is ensemble work - providing the background voices in crowd scenes, like restaurants, city streets and disasters. "Look out!"
The skills for performing and obtaining this work will be taught at the Voice Match Masters Event, a presentation of voice star/producer/director Pat Fraley, featuring casting director Barbara Harris and a noted agent, Sept. 26 in Los Angeles.
"In one day, you will learn what you need to know to do voice match and replacement," says Fraley. "And you'll be able to let ADR supervisiors, post-production and casting houses and agents know that you were training by the best."
Here's a brief overview of what's planned for the day: Click on Mimic For Money.
Fraley has been voicing, teaching, directing and producing for decades.
As a talent, he has created more than 4,000 character voices, and has supplied voices for Sony Picture's I Am Legend, Paramount's The Spiderwick Chronicles, Disney's College Road Trip, and Dreamworks' Transformers.
He is currently preparing to cast and direct ADR sessions for the animated TV series, Origami Warriors.
Guest instructor Barbara Harris "has cast more post-production ADR jobs than anyone on the planet," says Fraley.
With over 700 movies to her credit, she will explain "how she casts, what she wants, and will address each participant's efforts," Fraley notes.
Also joining Fraley will be an agent "with one of the largest, most productive voice-over agencies in the country," he adds. "She works daily, booking actors with studios and ADR casting people.
"SAG rules forbid me mentioning this stellar voice-over agent's name."
Limited to just 12 participants, this master's event will be held at World Famous Buzzy's Recording, 6900 Melrose Ave., in Los Angeles. Tuition is $695.
For details and to register, please visit:
Or, contact Fraley at 818-400-3733;


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