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How Are You Adapting For A Successful VO Year?
Note Industry Trends - And Reflect On Your Skills
February 3, 2021

By Rick Lance
Voice Actor

2020 brought many changes to the world. It also changed the way the voice over industry adapted to challenges.

How about you? How have you adapted?

Now is a great time to assess what has brought you the most job opportunities and where they came from. 

Also, look at the opportunities that will be trending in the industry. 

Here is a guide to planning for a successful year.

1. Conversational Reads Are Still Popular

Conversational reads are popular every year, and 2021 will not be the exception. 

There is still a need for voice over actors who can read with this style. Conversational can be very hard for some voice over actors as it is not always a skill that gets much training. 

However, if you can be successful in this style, opportunities will come your way.

2. Remote Collaborations Are Here to Stay

Remote work is not going away, which means you need to have your home studio set up. 

And the audio quality of your recordings will improve your booking rate. 

3. Brands Will Continue to Seek Voice Over Actors for Messaging

Brands last year saw the need to use voice over actors to get their message out. 

The voice over industry actually enjoyed an increase in jobs as brands realized they needed to ensure their messages were high quality. 

While many brands cut marketing budgets last year, this year they need to be more successful, and that means getting the word out that they are open. This means more voice over jobs for professionals.

4. Increase in Internet Video Jobs

As 2020 meant more time at home, it also meant that there was more online viewing of videos. 

Internet videos are a varied category and include company explainer videos, social media videos, blogs, and YouTube.

The increase in screen time of short-form internet videos was not only in the U.S., but all over the world. 

There is no sign that the need for these videos will be slowing down, and the digital studios are ramping up for a busy year. Brands have found the benefits of working with a voice over actor for their explainer videos.

5. Growing Demand for eLearning Jobs

The demand for eLearning voice overs will not lessen this year, and opportunities for voice over actors will rise.

Not only will there be more classes, but also, specialized training, company training decks, and more will be created and updated. 

6. AI Technology Is Advancing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has provided several types of job opportunities for voice actors, and with social distancing and the need for industries to create non-touch sanitary options, voice technology is going to increase. 

This involves work including voice assistants to recorded voice options like Alexa and other smaller applications in business and library niches. The voice assistant category is particularly on the rise.


The best way to plan is to look at the type of work you did last year. Whether it was commercials, audiobooks, eLearning, corporate videos, explainer videos, etc., determine what areas gave you the most job opportunities.

Did these jobs come from an agency, director, online postings, your website, acting coaches, or social media? 

Understanding where you are most successful will help you create a strategic plan.

Also reflect on your strengths and areas that need improvement within your acting. 

Listen critically to your demos. Do they showcase your skills? 

The new year is a great time to update your portfolio, take some classes, and hone in on your skill sets.

Cheers to a successful 2021!
Rick Lance has been working as a voice talent since 1993, transitioning from singing demos and personal projects in Nashville's music business to voicing hundreds of commercials, then promos, narrations, character voices and more. His vocal style is described as Americana, the voice of the Heartland. He is currently the voice (narrator) of three hunting programs and one outdoor program on the Sportsman Channel and the Outdoor Channel. His client list includes Toyota, Harley Davidson, Sony Entertainment, Coca Cola, Life Care Centers of America, John Deere, Jordan Outdoor Enterprises and Sacred Seasons II. He has also become a leading voice for the industries of construction, manufacturing, energy production, trucking, agriculture/equine, outdoor sports, travel, community banking, finance and health care. And he is a colorful voice for film, television, museum and corporate documentaries. "I'm lucky to be working within my comfort zone," he says, "literally living out my voice acting life as an outdoorsman, horseman, weekend cowboy and working man, gentleman farmer on my six acre mini ranch with my horses, dogs, cats and my wife near Nashville."



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