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A New Unicorn And Major Honors Cap
Mega 2024 VO Atlanta Voiceover Conference
March 12, 2024

(VOXtra) - The voice over world has a new unicorn!

Voice actor Zeke Alton (pictured) was announced as winner of the annual Unicorn Award during closing ceremonies of the mega 2024 VO Atlanta Voiceover Conference Sunday in Atlanta.

The award that honors a voice actor who "gives back without the expectation of profit or publicity" showers thousands of dollars of contributed prizes to the winner. But competition runners-up Matthew Parham and Linsay Rousseau received prizes, too.

Also honored in the closing ceremony:

  • Marc Scott, voice actor and coach, as the second recipient of the conference's 2024 Industry Service Award, which honors service providers who give back to the VO industry, and
  • SAG-AFTRA and NAVA (National Association of Voice Actors) co-founders Tim Friedlander and Carin Gilfry, as reciprients of the first VO Atlanta Industry Champion Award.

Voice actor/coach/producer J. Michael Collins initiated the conference's Unicorn award in 2017. And in 2022, Collins and wife Anna Alcasas-Collins purchased rights to the annual conference - now capped at 1,000 attendees - from founder Gerald Griffith.

Collins notes that the Champion Award is "an honor that is not certain to be given each year, but will be awarded going forward to those we believe are leading the charge to protect and better our industry."

And what would VO Atlanta be without the popular Team Challenge? In this competition, teams of voice actors create scripts and voice PSAs for a local charity. Organized by voice actor/coach/audio engineer and author Dan Friedman, the competition awards the winning team with many prizes. And this year's winner: Team 3, comprised of Marco Rigazio, Mike Cunningham, Rue Helu, Martin Yeh, Maria Alfaro and Tim Andrews.

Congratulations to all!

The VO Atlanta Voiceover Conference will return to the Hilton Atlanta Airport Hotel on March 20-23, 2025. For more info about the conference and advance discount tickets, visit


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