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Voice Over Legal e-Book Debuts ...
Essential Guide To Biz & Legal Issues

April 17, 2012

(VOXtra) - Publication of Voice Over Legal, a 120-page eBook guide for voice actors and performers to successfully manage their independent business and legal issues, was announced today by VoiceOverXtra, the voice over industry’s online news, training and resource center.  

Written by voice actor, actor and attorney Robert J. Sciglimpaglia Jr., the guide is a virtual textbook of how to save time and money in structuring and maintaining a voice acting business, and how to cope with a myriad of potential legal issues and liabilities.  

"Breaking into the voice over business is no easy feat,” says Sciglimpaglia.

"I wanted to write a book that answers the questions that most voice actors are too scared to address right off the bat when landing voice over gigs – things that should not be learned by costly experience.”

The well-organized eBook is available now at, in a variety of formats for instant download to a computer, Kindle, iPad or other eReader device.

The website includes a complete listing of the e-Book's contents, plus download formats, specs, and FAQs.

And details will be announced soon about a free Voice Over Legal Q&A webinar with Sciglimpaglia on Thursday night, April 26, starting at 9 p.m. Eastern time. Following training, attendees will be able ask questions by text or audio.


Voice over industry leaders have been quick to praise Voice Over Legal.  

"If I’d had access to Rob’s book I would have been richer and smarter,” says Pat Fraley, voice over star and trainer, and one of the top 10 performers of all time to be cast in television animation.  

"This is an amazing resource for anyone, not only in voice overs, but also in radio, TV or acting,” adds Bettye Zoller, a leading international voice talent and teacher. "So much information is here that would cost many thousands were a person to hire legal counsel. Rob has added substantially to our resources.”  

And James Alburger, Emmy-winning producer, trainer and co-producer of the VOICE voice over conferences notes: "Robert Sciglimpaglia is one of those rare performers who has an in-depth, working knowledge of the legal side of the acting world - truly a qualified expert on the legal minutia that can get in the way of a successful voice over or performing career.”  


In great depth, yet in a highly readable non-legalese style, Voice Over Legal details business law for performers, including:  

  • Business Structure / Organization – Why and how to incorporate
  • Clients and Contracts – Including a sample contract
  • Copyrights, Trademarks, Work for Hire
  • Agents and Contracts
  • Unions and Financial Core (Fi-Core)
  • Business Insurance
  • Taxes – Recordkeeping and legal deductions
  • And more, including a handy Glossary of Legal Terms  

"Any number of issues can drop in out of the blue,” notes VoiceOverXtra publisher John Florian.

"Be smart. Be prepared,” he advises. "Voice Over LEGAL can save voice actors and other performers time and money by alerting them to legal and business issues before they make costly mistakes.”  


Attorney Robert J. Sciglimpaglia Jr. began his acting career in 2005 and has appeared in numerous national television programs, feature films and Off-Broadway productions.

He is also a popular voice over talent and trainer, heard in countless voice over commercial and industrial projects for major brands including Starwood Resorts, Waterford Crystal, the Danbury Mint, Conference USA, the LA Dodgers, Zales Jewelers and the National Fair Housing Administration.

As an actor, he is most recently best recognized as the "Dad” in the hugely popular Chevy "Happy Grad” commercial that aired during the 2012 Super Bowl.

More is available at his website,


VoiceOverXtra LLC is the voice over industry’s daily online news, training and resource center, featuring how-to advice, industry news and hundreds of voice acting and business success resources for voice over working pros and newcomers.

The resources include a comprehensive voice over industry directory, affordable webinars, calendar of training and industry events, classifieds, and links to hundreds of outside resources.

Founded in 2007 by publisher John Florian, VoiceOverXtra offers free subscriptions to newsletters, reports and announcements at its home page,

Published by VoiceOverXtra, Voice Over Legal - the essential guide to successfully manage voice over business and legal issues - is available for purchase now at the e-Book's website:

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Comments (2)
John Florian
4/19/2012 at 10:43 AM
Hi Jason,

Woops! Thanks for the heads-up. We've stomped on the purchase bug for buyers outside the U.S. It's safe for you to join us now!

Best wishes,
Jason Bermingham
4/19/2012 at 5:30 AM
Great idea! I tried to buy, but the form does not allow options for those of us living abroad. Is there another way?
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