VOICE-OVER INCOME Gimme A Break: You Want The Corporate VO ASAP? For $30? ![]() Voice Actor I love getting voice-over job offers in my inbox, but there are times when you just have to say "no thank you." For example, the one I got the other night - A Friday night, at the start of a holiday weekend:
yeah, I know some of you are going to say,
you would be right. It would take me realistically about 5 minutes to
record and send this off. And because it's such a big name company, it
would look good on the ol "curriculum vitae" (which might impress the
one person other than my wife that may actually read my CV.) But,
... then you can understand why (after I finished laughing), I respectfully passed on the job opportunity. "Working for exposure" and "working for free" are the same thing. Prove to the world that you're better than that. ------------------
ABOUT ROB A Los Angeles native, Rob Marley is an accomplished voice talent, producer and writer, now living in the hill country of Austin TX. Web: www.MarleyAudio.com SEE MORE HELPFUL VOICE-OVER INCOME ARTICLES HERE |
I get requests like this and as I’m in the U.K., $30 is equivalent of about £22, so it’s even worse for me.
You’re not paying for the minutes, you’re paying for the years it took to get to that level of expertise.
It’s disrespectful to offer a rate that low. I’m not the most expensive VO in the world, but I know my worth.
The age old argument is that ‘someone’ will. Well, good for them. Not me.
Stand by your principles. The cream will rise to the top!
Best regards
Karen Allen
Thanks for the reminder of how grateful I am for a career I can be proud of.
Paul Payton