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VOICE 2012: Day 2
Voice Acting Takes Center Stage;
Analyze Scripts, Place Voice, React 
June 13, 2012
See Day #1 / Days 3 & 4

By John Florian


(VOXtra) - Voice acting was a steady thread through Day # 2 of VOICE 2012 - the huge voice over conference now under way at the Disneyland Hotel and Resort in Anaheim, CA - starting with voice over star and trainer Pat Fraley directing voice talents on stage in a riotous "Over Zealous Pirate" script (pictured).

"Arrrrrrr, matey."

Amid audience laughs and cheers during this "Melt-Down Mix-Down" session - where scripts were analyzed, rehearsed, recorded, and then played back with sound effects engineered by audio whiz George Whittam - Fraley imparted voice over wisdoms:
  • "Never do a cold read. See the words and decide what to emphasize, and in what order."
  • "Learn: why I'm in the script, who are the other characters, and what is the story to unfold."
  • Get physical with body actions while you read copy. "You've got to move around. Force the audience to create a better mental picture."
  • "Give the directors lots of stuff to choose from."
  • And more.
Later in the day, voice talent Elley-Ray Hennessy taught "Advanced Voice Placement"... voice talent Dave DeAndrea led a panel discussing "Everything You Need to Know About Demos" ... and voice talent/trainer Bettye Zoller directed talents reading copy in "Acting Is Reacting" (pictured).

In yet more sessions,'s Stephanie Ciccarelli taught how to "Maximize Online Casting Opportunities" and Sennheiser's Christopher Currier addressed how to choose the right microphone for the job.

And congratulations to voice talent David Roman, who won VoiceOverXtra's Voice Actor's Hat in our daily drawing (visit the exhibit hall booth to enter the Thursday, Friday and Saturday contests).

Our Day 2 camera also caught this group photo arranged by VO Buzz Weekly's Chuck Duran and Stacey Aswad. (Hey - did someone yell "Down in front!"?)


Now enjoy more of VOICE 2012 with the experiences and perspectives of our guest bloggers (listed alphabetically) ...

Bobbin Beam,  
Andy Boyns,
Dave Courvoisier,
Anne Ganguzza,
Randye Kaye,
Such A Voice,
William Williams,

If you're bloggin' at VOICE 2012 now, become a VoiceOverXtra Guest Blogger. Send you name and blog link to:


If you're at VOICE 2012 now and have a great photo, send the jpg to us at VoiceOverXtra. If it's selected as our Hot Shot of the Day, you'll win a beautiful Voice Actors Hat! (Also available now at the VoiceOverXtra exhibit hall booth).

Send your Hot Shot to: And good luck!

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Comments (2)
jennifer m dixon
6/19/2012 at 12:47 PM
Thanks John! Made me feel very special posting that great pic with Pat Fraley! Now back to the grindstone! Onward and upward. Trying to shake out the magic dust from my brain for reality is not easy tho'...mmmm, I think I'll hang on to it -what the hell- what is reality anyway?????? Love to all who were there and to those who couldn't make it- do it next time you will NOT be disappointed
Pamela Tansey
6/15/2012 at 12:35 PM
Thanks for making us feel like we are THERE! You're da best, John!
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